
Funded Research Projects

We list externally and 間眅埶AV internally funded research projects of our faculty in the most recent twelve months. If you wish your project to be listed here but do not see it here, please contact us at edgrants@sfu.ca.

Externally Funded Projects


Faculty Title Funder Program

Sean Blenkinsop
(Principal Investigator)
Mark Fettes, Cher Hill and Paula Rosehart

Developing Place and Nature-based Experiential Education Practices in Public Schools and Teacher Education



Sean Blenkinsop
(Principal Investigator)
Mark Fettes

Living Within Earth's Carrying Capacity: Towards an Education for Eco-Social Cultural Change


Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Sean Chorney
(Principal Investigator)

Mathematizing Social Issues in Canadian Secondary Schools


Insight Development

Alanaise Goodwill
(Principal Investigator)

Pandemic Experiences and Impacts of COVID-19 on the Mental Health of Indigenous Communities



Knowledge Synthesis Grant

Alanaise Goodwill

Holistic Indigenous Mental Health and Wellness: Transforming Health Care Strengths and Solutions


NEIHR Ontario

Alanaise Goodwill

BC Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research


NEIHR British Columbia

Joel Heng Hartse
(Principal Investigator)

Underground Literacies: The Use of Private Academic Support Services by International EAL Students


Insight Development

Maureen Hoskyn 
(Principal Investigator)
Dani癡le Moore

Development of Executive Functions in Multilingual Children: A Follow-up Study



Maureen Hoskyn

Ensuring Full Literacy in a Multicultural and Digital World


Partnership Grant

Angel Lin
(Principal Investigator)

The Play Literacy Innovative Program: A Virtual Play Platform for Learners


Partnership Engage Grant

Ching-Chiu Lin
(Principal Investigator)
Quincy Wang

Storied lives: An impact study of COVID-19 on seniors and their community support services


Partnership Engage Grant: COVID-19 Special Initiative

Partner: MOSAIC

Kris Magnusson 
(Principal Investigator)
Krista Socholotiuk

Connecting Career Development and Mental Health in Schools


Partnership Development Grant

Amy Parent
(Principal Investigator)

Raising Nisgaa Language, Sovereignty, and Land Based Education through Traditional Carving Knowledge


New Frontiers in Research Fund - Exploration

Krista Socholotiuk
(Principal Investigator)

Early Relationship Formation in Cross Cultural Counselling: Actions and Processes


Insight Development

Lucy Lemare
(Academic Supervisor)

Do Socio-Demographic and Parenting Factors Moderate the Impact of the HIPPY Program on Childrens School Readiness?



Masahiro Minami
(Academic Supervisor)

Inclusive Resettlement: Integration pathways of resettled families with disabilities in Germany and Canada



John Nesbit
(Academic Supervisor)

Teach Argumentation with the Dialectical Map



Michelle Nilson
(Academic Supervisor)

Community Schools in British Columbia: Past to Future



Nathalie Sinclair
(Academic Supervisor)

The Use of 'Lesson Play' As a Post-Activity of 'TouchTimes'



Suzanne Smythe
(Academic Supervisor)

A Community-based Ethnography on Multiculturalism in Practice in a Canadian Context



David Zandvliet
(Academic Supervisor)

Building a National Ocean Literacy Strategy




Faculty Title Funder Program
David Kaufman Personalizing gamification strategies to improve young adult life skills training (Part 2: Support worker needs analysis and design of clinical interface) Mitacs Accelerate

Pan-Canadian Survey of Education Funding Structures and Processes

Mitacs Accelerate
Scalar social learning in community-campus engagement (CCE) Mitacs Accelerate
Project: Building a National Ocean Literacy Strategy Mitacs Accelerate
Instrumentation for gauging computational thinking in elementary grades Mitacs Accelerate

Youth, Literature, Mobilities, and Civic Engagement

SSHRC Insight


Using emergent technologies to develop mathematical objects- and actions-to-think-with

SSHRC Insight
& Coaching discovery competencies with context-sensitive prompts SSHRC Insight
Performing Mentorship: Investigating Mentorship in 4 Arts for Social Change SSHRC Insight Development
& Intergenerational land-based learning for reconciliation on Gabriola Island SSHRC Partnership Development


Youngsters 2: On the cultures of children
and youth

SSHRC Connection

Fact-finding Survey on School Health & Nutrition

Research Contract

UNICEF Mapping of nutrition policies and programmes on school age children

Reviving Hope and Home for High Risk Refugee Mothers

Research Contract Mothers Matter Centre

Design, development and integration of mobile technologies for primary school education

French Embassy in Canada

Mourou/Strickland 2019 mobility programme

Phil Winne

Fostering Student Computational Thinking in Data Analysis through Self-Regulated Learning Prompts and Analytics

U.S. National Science Foundation DRL - STEM + Computing (STEM+C)


Faculty Title Funder Program
Field Feasibility and Acceptability Testing of Action-Based Psychosocial Reconciliation Approach in a Post-Genocide Rural Community in Rwanda SSHRC Insight Development
Sidaxgat'ini?hl Gagoodi? (Our ability to strengthen ourselves, our hearts through the wisdom of our language and our own way of life) SSHRC Insight Development
Ecologies of multilingual and multimodal story production SSHRC Insight

Pedagogy of Literacy Teacher Education: Meeting the Challenges of 21st Century Literacies (PI: Clare Kosnik; OISE) SSHRC Insight
Understanding Indigenous ethics and wholism within academic and Aboriginal community research settings SSHRC Insight

(with Sean Chorney)
Gestural arithmetic: introducing early multiplicative thinking using mobile technology SSHRC Insight
Mobilizing mathematical knowledge in secondary school teaching: towards enhanced mathematics teacher education SSHRC Insight
Investigating Educational Leadership for Reconciliation: Can Non-Aboriginal Female Principals Decolonize Aboriginal Education? SSHRC Small Research Grant
Context and Challenges of Using Open Data for Teaching in Secondary Education SSHRC Small Research Grant

(with Alperin, Juan)
President's dream colloquium: making knowledge public SSHRC Connection
Investigating the effects of speech enhancement and compression algorithms for hearing protection devices in noisy environment NSERC Engage
Intelligent solutions for atypical auditory processing in children with Neurodevelopmental Disorders. Kids Brain Health Network (KBHN) Team Development Grant
Preventing Extremism through Schools: A Review, Expert Consultation, Policy/Program Alternatives & Research Questions Public Safety Canada Community Resilience Funds
Intergenerational land-based learning for reconciliation on Gabriola Island Vancouver Foundation Field of Interest Systems Change Develop

Internally Funded Projects


Faculty Title Funder Program

Kumari Beck
(Principal Investigator)

Roumi Ilieva

Post-pandemic Futures for Internationalization of the University



SSHRC Small Research Grant

Robyn Ilten-Gee
(Principal Investigator)

New Media Pedagogy: Designing Critical Digital Learning Experiencesp



SSHRC Small Research Grant

Angel Lin
(Principal Investigator)

Megan Barker

Cultivating University Students' Capacity to Engage with Contentious Socioscientific Issues: Countering Mis/disinformation with Critical Socioscientific Literacies


SSHRC Small Research Grant

Kevin ONeill
(Principal Investigator)

Understanding Students Choice of Course Modality in Changing Times


SSHRC Small Research Grant


Faculty Title Funder Program

Lynn Fels
(Principal Investigator)

Relational Practices: Play, Improv and Emergence in Social Spaces


SSHRC Small Research Grant

Joel Heng Hartse
(Principal Investigator)

Investigating Instructors Perceptions of Good Writing in an Internationalized Economics Department


SSHRC Small Research Grant

Margaret MacDonald
(Principal Investigator)

Cher Hill

Teacher and Family Experience of COVID-19


SSHRC Small Research Grant

Yumiko Murai
(Principal Investigator)

Investigation of Assessment Practices by Teachers Conducting Maker-Centered Learning in BC Public Schools


SSHRC Small Research Grant

John Nesbit
(Principal Investigator)

Effectiveness of Argument Visualization as a Pre-Writing Activity in Undergraduate Online Learning


SSHRC Small Research Grant

Suzanne Smythe
(Principal Investigator) 

Nathalie Sinclair

Investigating Technology Exclusions and Innovations Among Newcomer Communities During COVID-19


SSHRC Small Research Grant

Phil Winne
(Principal Investigator)

Frayed Confidence Intervals Temper Confidence in Statistical Results


SSHRC Small Research Grant

David Zandvliet
(Principal Investigator)

Enhancing and Maintaining Science Education Engagement through Immersive Technologies During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic


SSHRC Small Research Grant

Sharalyn Jordan
(Project Lead)

Amplifying LGBTQI Refugee Resilience


Community Engagement Initiative Grant


Faculty Title Funder Program
Little Prohibitionists: Visualizing Temperance in Victorian Childrens Literature 間眅埶AV SSHRC Small Grant
Supporting Young Squamish Language Learners in North Vancouver 間眅埶AV Engagement Community Engagement Initiative (CEI) Fund
Gillian Judson Imaginative Assessment for Learning (AFL) in Post-Secondary: Exploring The Impact of Cognitive Tools on Students Learning, Engagement, and Demonstrations of Understanding 間眅埶AV VPA  Teaching and Learning Development Grant


Faculty Title Funder Program
間眅埶AV & Vietnam: Faculty of Education 20 Years After Symposium 間眅埶AV International  International Engagement Fund
Creating Augmented Reality Experiences with Students to Enrich Curriculum and Build Community 間眅埶AV VPA Faculty Inquiry Grants: Student Learning Experience

(with Joan Sharp)
Teaching Students to Argue with the Dialectical Map 間眅埶AV VPA Faculty Inquiry Grants: Student Learning Experience
Teaching for Place-based Ecoliteracy in Urban Public Schools 間眅埶AV VPR SSHRC Bridging Grants
Refugee Wellbeing in Surrey's Schools and Community at Large 間眅埶AV Refugee and Newcomer Advisory Committee (RNAC) Faculty Seed Grant
StoryShop: A Writers Workshop for Creativity, Wellness and Self-development 間眅埶AV ISTLD Teaching and Learning Development Grants
Examining cultures of learning and their perceived impact on the learning of culturally diverse students in a graduate course in Education 間眅埶AV ISTLD Teaching and Learning Development Grants
From Reconciliation to Indigenous Resurgence: A Digital M矇tissage 間眅埶AV ISTLD Teaching and Learning Development Grants
Exploring Somatically Inter-Active Pedagogy within the Health Education and Active Living (HEAL) Master of Education Cohort 間眅埶AV ISTLD Teaching and Learning Development Grants
Phil Winne (co-investigator) Uncovering Students Enrollment Patterns Leading to Dropping Out vs. Success From The Engineering Program 間眅埶AV Big Data Center  
(with Eileen van der Flier-Keller and Kevin Cameron) Connecting Earth Science, Indigenous Perspectives and Environmental Education in Place-based Learning Setting 間眅埶AV ISTLD Teaching and Learning Development Grants
Roger Frie Not in My Family: German Memory and Responsibility After the Holocaust (Book title) 間眅埶AV University Publications Fund