

French Cohort Program


Over 175 people have graduated from the French Cohort Program since its beginning in 2004! Alumni work in a variety of fields, including politics, law, diplomacy, international relations, public relations, journalism, communications, culture, project management, tourism, education and more...

Would you like to know what our graduates have become? Want to connect (or reconnect) with classmates? Is your company looking for bilingual candidates? Click on a person's name to visit their LinkedIn profile*.

*Please note that LinkedIn profiles are not always up to date, and some graduates are not on this platform.

Are you a graduate of the French Cohort Program and would like to receive news from OFFA, job offers and invitations to events organized by the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs?

Cohorts 1 to 5

who graduated between 2008 and 2014

  • Kelly Andersen (Tait)
  • Robyn Ashwell
  • Sarah Batko
  • Sasha Campbell-Mongeon
  • Caitlin Fraser
  • Kelsie Herbst
  • Miya Holbrook
  • Amy Hou
  • Kaynath Hussain
  • Rebecca Kargut
  • Sandeep Kaur
  • Mike Malembe
  • Sarah McCloy
  • Rosemary Owens

Cohorts 6 to 10

who graduated between 2012 and 2018

  • Hannah Dalton
  • William Doulome-Woledzi
  • Linda Forcier
  • Zukhra Himamov
  • Kimberley Hornemann
  • Emmalene Joyce
  • Madison McDiarmid
  • Kelsey Negreiff
  • Chelsea Pavelich
  • Kasia Przystupa
  • An Li Qi
  • Kaylin Sambrooke
  • Jesse Seeburger
  • Shelby Trenaman
  • Samantha Wong

Cohorts 11 to 15

who graduated between 2016 and 2023

  • Katrina Berry
  • Alyssa Bouillet
  • Maggie Chen
  • Angel Cheng
  • Myriam Devlin
  • Lindsay Gesner
  • Alicia Gordy
  • Emma Hacker
  • Jayda Hayer
  • Sylvia Krawus
  • Meaghan Laycock
  • Annie Li
  • Emily McIlwain
  • Tia Mortimer
  • Anaïs Nabi
  • Andrew Ng
  • Sierra Olson
  • Lina Paez-Garcia
  • Ivan Premovic
  • Claire Qiu
  • Moh Rawala
  • Randal Schatz
  • Yvonne Webb
  • Jennifer Zanella


Cohorts 16 & 17

who graduated between 2023 and 2024

  • Juliana Barakaeva
  • Simon Williams
  • Riley Wood

The applicatin period for September 2024 is now closed.

Questions for the FCP Student Advisor:

Rachelle Hiebert