

Education Courses in French

These courses are open to all students interested in pursuing a career in education or exploring educational theories and research.

Click on the course title for information on the course prerequisites and schedules.

EDUC 380 - Introduction to Teaching French in Canadian Contexts (F100)

This course is for students who may be contemplating becoming teachers of Core French at the secondary level, or for intermediate and middle school generalists who want the necessary preparation to teach Core French in their school setting. The general objective of the course is to help prospective French teachers to better understand Canadian bilingualism, its historical, sociopolitical and cultural context, to acquire knowledge about principles of second language pedagogy as well as to gain basic understanding of French programs objectives and contents. The course is instructed in French but offers the flexibility of submitting your assignments and writing exams in the language of your choice (English or French).

EDUC 382 - Diversity in Education: Theories, Policies, Practices (F100)

The aim of this course is for students to explore issues related to diversity in education from a critical perspective, and to develop the language needed to engage in a constructive dialogue.

Notably, this course will address, issues related to cultural, racial, linguistic, gender, class, and religious diversity in education, as well as introduce students to key concepts pertaining to inclusion and social justice (racism, discrimination, culture, socialisation, identity, equality versus equity, power distribution, empowerment, etc.). Canadian educational policies (multicultural/intercultural education), international conventions on inclusion in education, and school practices related to diversity, will be explored in this course.

A social justice perspective aims to draw attention to unequal distributions of power among social groups in a society, which have the effect of disadvantaging some groups more than others in the school context. As such, it recognizes that the school system contributes to produce and reproduce social inequalities along social group lines that include race, gender, language, religion, or other social markers. UNESCOs new Policy Guidelines on Inclusion in Education define inclusion as a process of addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all learners by increasing participation in learning, cultures and communities, and reduction of exclusion within and from education. Both perspectives are concerned with the identification and removal of systemic barriers in school that impede students, in particular those that may be at risk of marginalization, exclusion, or underachievement.