OFFA Events

Mark your calendar

This year marks the 20th Anniversary of the Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA) at ԰AV. Join us in celebrating OFFA’s two decades of promoting Francophone cultures, excellence in postsecondary education in French and community engagement. 

Several events will take place throughout the academic year. To stay in the loop, make sure you subscribe to the OFFA Newsletter.

Featured Event

԰AV's Printemps de la francophonie - 15th edition

March 1 to 31, 2025, in Greater Vancouver and online

Look out for the programming release for this special OFFA's 20th-anniversary edition in mid-February.

For more information

Upcoming Events

Information sessions - Master of Education (M.A./M.Ed.) L’éducation en français en contextes de diversité.

Are you interested in pursuing graduate studies? Attend an information session about the Master of Education program at ԰AV (԰AV).

Register for the next information session

Celebrate Multilingual ԰AV

February 24 – March 1, 2025

 Embrace diversity, break barriers, build connections

You are invited to celebrate the ԰AV community’s linguistic diversity in a week-long series of events, including speakers and socials; panels, roundtable discussions, and workshops.

Everything is free and everyone is invited.

For more information

Get Your French Language Skills Certified with the ԰AV DELF-DALF Centre

March 5-8* at ԰AV Surrey and/or ԰AV Burnaby

Would you like to obtain international recognition of your French language skills, valid for life? Or are you interested in the Teacher Education Program - French Module? Assess and certify your level of French with the DELF and DALF exams offered here at ԰AV! The next exam session will take place in March. Registration closes on February 9.

Discover all the advantages of DELF-DALF today

Ma thèse en 180 secondes -  Western Final

March 21, 2025 at ԰AV | Registration close on February 13

Are you a master's or doctoral student? The Ma thèse en 180 secondes (MT180) competition is a unique opportunity to perfect your communication skills while giving you the chance to share your research in the public space!

For more information

Forum local «Français pour l'avenir» de Vancouver

April 30, 2025 at ԰AV Burnaby | Register now!

Vancouver's French for the Future Forum will take place on April 30 at ԰AV's Burnaby Campus. Coordinated by the Conseil jeunesse francophone de la Colombie-Britannique, this full day of activities in French is an opportunity to learn more about the cultural and professional value of being bilingual. It's also an occasion to facilitate dialogue between French as a Second Language (FSL) and French as a First Language (FFL) students, while celebrating Francophone cultures

Université d'été sur la Francophonie des Amériques: Penser la francophonie des Amériques à travers ses espaces

June 16-20, 2025

From June 16 to 20, 2025, the Centre de la francophonie des Amériques will hold the 7th edition of the Université d'été sur la francophonie des Amériques at ԰AV. The Université d'été sur la francophonie des Amériques is a unique one-week university training program that takes a scientific look at the continent's francophonie and enables this field of study to develop.

CEFCO 2025 Symposium: La voix de mots

May 15-16, 2025 | At ԰AV and online

The mandate of CEFCO (Centre d'études franco-canadiennes de l'Ouest) is to promote the production of scientific research and literary creation relating to Western Canada's Francophonie. Among CEFCO's activities, this bi-annual scientific and community symposium is the largest francophone studies event to be held in Western Canada. The 2025 CEFCO colloquium is organized by Dr. Réjean Canac-Marquis and Dr. Christian Guilbault of ԰AV's French Department, under the mandate of CEFCO, which is based at St. Boniface University.

Available online

Hangout with Lionelly (April 24, 2024)

Watch or re-watch this 60-minute interactive show that highlights post-secondary student life in French in a captivating way. 

Watch the show

Masterclass with WebOuest Formations (February 9, 2024)

La Classe des maîtres, presented by WebOuest and Unis TV in collaboration with OFFA, is a discussion focusing on the relationship between writer-producer-director. Four TV industry professionals answered questions from host Julie Carpentier, anchor and producer of Le Téléjournal Colombie-Britannique for the past 15 years.

Watch the master class

Past Events