

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV will take you places... in French

One of the many advantages of studying in French at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV is the opportunity to experience a student exchange in a French-speaking environment—an experience that will enrich not only your French language skills and academic career, but also your general knowledge and network of contacts on a national and international scale.

French Cohort Program (FCP) in Public and International Affairs

As a student enrolled in the FCP, you will have the advantage of being part of an academic program that includes a student exchange.

During your third-year in the French Cohort Program, you will spend one or two semesters at one of our partner institutions in Quebec, France, Belgium or Switzerland. During your exchange, you will have access to a variety of courses in a range of fields; your academic advisor will assist you in choosing courses based on your interests and professional goals. Moreover, the FCP Exchange Awards will help pay for part of your trip.

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Department of french

As a student of the Department of French, you will have access to official exchanges with French universities in Québec and Europe. Choose either a pre-approved curriculum in the French Major with Concentration for Prospective Teachers or design your own with our help.

Contact the academic advisor at: frenadv@sfu.ca if you have any questions.

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Professional Development Program (PDP) - French Module , Exchange Term and Dual Program Option

The PDP students have the opportunity to complete their first term abroad at the Université de Tours in France as part of the Exchange Term or the Dual program, which would allow them to work towards a Master's in teaching French as a Foreign Language!

Students in the Exchange Term and Dual Program will gain specific knowledge in teaching French as foreign language by taking graduate-level courses at the Faculté des Lettres et Langues de l'Université de Tours during the first term in the Fall.

Discover the program and advantages

If you are not in one of the 3 programs listed above but would like to experience an academic exchange during your studies, keep in mind that the team at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Study Abroad has other options for you to consider.

You can also consider combining study, work and travel through ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s International Co-op.

Other ways to explore la Francophonie

Do you have the travel bug and are you looking for more opportunities to live in French during your studies?

We strongly encourage you to look at these other mobility programs:

The Ministry of Education's EXPLORE program

EXPLORE is a 5-week intensive immersion program offered in the spring or summer to participants at all levels of French proficiency.

It is the ideal program if you are about to finish high school or are currently studying at university.

EXPLORE will introduce you to another part of Canada while you practice your French with people at the same language level as you. Classroom instruction, workshops, sociocultural activities and excursions will not only improve your language skills but will also allow you to discover the culture of a new region, all while meeting other people from across the country.

The Ministry of Education’s ODYSSEY program

If you are interested in teaching, ODYSSEY is a great opportunity for you.

This language-assistant program offers paid work experience that will take you across Canada to work with students for nine months. Valuable classroom experience remunerated at approximately $25 per hour.

The TAPIF (Teaching Assistant Program in France)

TAPIF is another great option for future teachers.

This program gives you the opportunity to work in France for 7 months, teaching English to French-speaking students from all ages. This will not only provide teaching experience but will also help improve your language skills and cultural knowledge about France.