

Third party access

Using Information Release/Privacy indicators

Student’s personal information and records are protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act ("FIPPA"). The University and its employees share a legal obligation to protect personal information in the custody or under the control of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV.

An Information Release/Privacy Indicator is a service within the Student Center in the Student Information System that allows you to regulate third party access (i.e. an individual or an organization) to your personal information.

Managing Privacy Service Indicators

  1. Log in to the Student Information System through
  2. In the Personal Information section, select "Information Release/Privacy"
  3. To add an indicator, select "Add Information Privacy Indicators"
  4. Select one of the following Service Indicator codes by using the magnifying glass search feature:
    1. F02 Release No Information (this may be directed to a specific person or organization)
    2. F03 Authorization to Release Application Information (information relevant to the latest admission application)
    3. F05 Authorization to Release Financial Aid Info (Specific to Financial Aid information)
    4. F07 Authorization to Release Academic Record
    5. F08 Authorization to Release Student Account Information
    6. F09 Authorization for Document Pick-Up
  5. Enter the details for the person or organization being granted authorization or being restricted:
    • First and last name
    • Relationship
    • Comments (Required):
      • Write exactly what this person or organization is authorized to access or not access on your behalf.  Information will not be released if comments are not included. Please refer to chart below for examples of the scope of release for each indicator.
        For example, I authorize Jane Doe to pick up transcripts on my behalf
      • If you are expecting this individual or organization to contact ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV by phone or email, you must include their email address or phone number.
        For example, I authorize Jane Doe to access Enrollment Details via phone number 999-999-9999 or email jane.doe@sfu.ca.
  6. Select the Save button

Note: Individuals or organizations with Information Release/Privacy indicators will be required to answer basic ID-verification questions for the student account in order to access information.

Privacy Service Indicators

Codes Description Documents
F03 Authorization to Release Application Information Application Status to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, Evaluation Result, Program Change Status, Documentation, Transcript Evaluation
F05 Authorization to Release Financial Aid Information Student Aid, Student Loans, Awards, Bursaries, Grants, Scholarships
F07 Authorization to Release Academic Record Information
Enrollment Details, Grades, Units Accumulated, Academic Standing, Timetable, Completion of Forms pertaining to enrollment
Examples of Forms: CPP/DPP, CBSA, Education Funds, BC Provincial/District Scholarships, Formal Exchange
F08 Authorization to Release Student Account Information Tuition and Non-Tuition Fees Breakdown, Amount of Charges for Student who is Enrolled in the University, Due Dates, Payment and Refund Details
F09 Authorization for Document Pick-Up Pick Up of Transcript, Parchment, Refund Cheques, Completed Letters or Forms, Withdrawal Under Extenuating Circumstances (WE) Documents
Transcripts and parchments must be ordered by the student prior to pick up.

Required: In the Comments section, you must specify which documents you authorize for pick up (for example, I authorize Jane Doe to pick up transcripts on my behalf).

Once a privacy indicator is added, you can edit or delete it using the EDIT or DELETE buttons.

You may need to create more than one indicator for the same individual.

These changes update immediately and will allow (or disallow) the third party access and authorization. People cited in the privacy indicator must provide valid ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV or government-issued photo identification when inquiring in person at one of our campuses.

Privacy indicators do not expire. If you don't want the third party to continue to have authorization, it is your responsibility to delete the indicator.

As the names of graduates and the credentials they obtain from ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV are public information, the Release No Information indicator (F02) will not prevent information about an awarded credential from being released.