

Tuition Refund Appeal

Tuition refund appeals must be submitted  within one month from the time the student receives a decision regarding their tuition refund request. Students can initiate an appeal by sending an email to irreac@sfu.ca.  

Appeals must be accompanied with a detailed statement as to why their appeal should be considered and should include any new and substantive supporting documentation. The appeal will be reviewed by the Enrolment Appeal Committee. Depending on the complexity of the appeal and the number of appeals to be reviewed, the Committee will make every effort to have the appeal heard within the following month. Decisions on appeals submitted before a document deadline are typically available within 4 - 6 weeks of the document deadline.

The decision of the Enrolment Appeal Committee is final. 

Appeals application deadline

If you would like your tuition refund request or appeal to be heard at a meeting, submit your application along with all required documents by the application deadline stated below: 

Month Application Deadline
August 2024 August 14 at 9:00 am
September 2024 September 18 at 9:00 am
October 2024 October 16 at 9:00 am
November 2024 November 13 at 9:00 am
December 2024 December 11 at 9:00 am
January 2025 January 15 at 9:00 am
February 2025 February 12 at 9:00 am
March 2025 March 12 at 9:00 am
April 2025 April 16 at 9:00 am
May 2025 May 14 at 9:00 am
June 2025 June 11 at 9:00 am
July 2025 July 16 at 9:00 am
August 2025 August 13 at 9:00 am