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Email: caladmin@sfu.ca
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Adding Extra Time for Time-Limited Canvas exams

For information on creating a quiz within Canvas, please review to learn more. 

* Please note that extra time must be added prior to the student beginning their test in order for the student's extra time to apply successfully.

For online, time-limited tests (e.g., a 3-hour final), you will need to adjust a students available test exposure time when required as an accommodation. To review the list of CAL registrants and their accommodations in your courses, please visit the following link: 

Please follow the illustrated step-by-step guide below to add extra time for CAL registrants Canvas exams when required. Please note ALL steps 1 to 11 need to be completed in order for CAL registrants to receive their accommodated extra time and/or break time.

Creating the Test in Canvas for All Students

If you have already created a test and are only looking to add CAL registrants extra time, please skip to step 3.

1. In your courses dashboard, select the Quizzes option.

2. In the Quizzes page that appears, select the +Quiz option, and populate the test questions. If it is your first time creating a test on Canvas, please visit Canvas Support

* Please note that you must select the "time limit" check box and provide a time limit for Steps 8 to 11 to work.


Adjusting the Window of Time CAL Registrants Have to Complete the Test

* Please note that steps 3 to 5 does NOT add CAL registrants accommodated extra time and/or break time.  These steps only modify the submission deadline for CAL registrants, so that the exam does not close prematurely for the CAL student.  In addition to modifying the submission deadline, you will also need to complete steps 6 to 11 to add CAL registrants accommodated extra time and/or break time.

If a sufficiently large window of time during which an exam may be started and completed is already available (e.g. a 48-hour window to start and complete a 3-hour test), you may skip to step 6.

3. Once you have populated the exam information, scroll to the bottom of the page to assign the exam due date and time available for completion.

Once you have completed this section, select the +Add button to individually add CAL registrants who require extra time.

4. In the additional Assign to field that emerges, select the CAL registrant.

5. Modify the students Due, Available from, and Until fields as appropriate based on the students extra time accommodation.

In the depicted example, the class test is scheduled on April 3, 2020 and students in the class are starting the test at 10:00 AM and ending at 1:00 PM. A CAL registrant entitled to 33% additional time would receive one extra hour for the test, and the Due and Until fields should therefore be modified to 2:00 PM to reflect the additional time accommodation.

Please note that students are generally not expected to write tests beyond 10:00 PM. If the test is scheduled such that a students additional time would have them writing beyond 10:00 PM (e.g. a 3-hour final exam beginning at 7:00 PM), instructors may keep the Due and Until fields unmodified and instead modify the Available from field to an earlier time for the CAL registrant (e.g. a 6:00 PM start and 10:00 PM end time for the student in this example)

Please repeat steps 4 and 5 to add additional CAL registrants as necessary.


Adding Extra Time for Individual Students

* Please note that extra time must be added prior to the student beginning their test in order for the student's extra time to apply successfully.

6. Continue by publishing the test, which will then allow you to access the option to Moderate This Quiz.

7. Select Moderate This Quiz to add the CAL registrants extra time.

8. Next to the appropriate students name, select the Pencil icon (also referred to as change user extensions if you are using a screen reader).

* Please note that you must have selected the "time limit" check box and provided a time limit in Step 2 for Steps 8 to 11 to work.

9. In the pop-up box that appears, enter the amount of extra time the CAL registrant receives in the Extra time on every attempt field. In this example, the student receives 60 minutes of extra time.

10. Select the Save button to confirm the information.

11.  Please check to ensure that the appropriate amount of extra time appears under the CAL registrants name.