
Reviews of Gerardo Otero’s Books

  • Review of The Neoliberal Diet by Kevin Anzzolin in , 2021.
  • Review of The Neoliberal Diet by Ellen Messer, Tufts University, Human Ecology. 2019.
  • "La dieta neoliberal." Review in Spanish (Mexico) of The Neoliberal Diet by Alejandro Calvillo, El Poder del Consumidor. . Julio 30, 2019.
  • "Livro desmonta ideia de que alimentação é questão de escolhas individuais." Review in Portuguese (Brazil) of The Neoliberal Diet by João Peres. . August 2019.
  • Review of Food for the Few by Jessica Bagdonis in Gastronomica 98, Fall 2009.
  • Review of Food for the Few by Lowery Parker in . May 1, 2015. 12(1-2):200-2003.
  • Review (in Spanish) of Â¿Adiós al campesinado? Democracia y formación política de las clases en el México rural by Francisco Javier Gómez Carpinteiro in Alteridades. Año 15, núm. 30, julio-diciembre 2005, pp. 133-136.
  • Review of Mexico in Transition by Frances Rothstein. 2006. The Americas. 62(4):690-692.
  • Review of Neoliberalism Revisited by Joseph L. Klesner. 1999. Third World Review. 20(4):872-874.
  • Review of Neoliberalism Revisited and other books by Miguel Centeno. 1997. “After the Fall: The Legacy of Carlos Salinas.â€Mexican Studies/Estudios Mexicanos 13(1): 201-214.