Media and Videos
Newspaper Articles and Citations (click red hyperlinks)
August 23, 2017 article citing an interview with me and others on
In the about migrant workers in Canada.
In the about migrant workers.
In the about food security and the junk-food-risk index that we are developing.
In the about unfree labour in Canada.
Radio Interviews (click red hyperlinks)
1 August, 2019
An interview in ABC Radio (Melbourne, Australia) with Marion Nestle and Gerardo Otero.
Further reading:
Gerardo Otero. 2018. . Austin: University of Texas Press.
15 January 2014
San Francisco, CA National Public Radio affiliate.
By Malihe Razazan
On todays Your Call, well mark the 20th anniversary of The North American Free Trade Agreement between Canada, Mexico and the US. It went into effect during the Clinton administration in 1994. How has NAFTA affected the lives of millions of American, Canadian and Mexican workers? What has been NAFTAs Effect on Jobs, Migration, and the Environment? Join the conversation or call in with your questions on the next Your Call, with Rose Aguilar and you.
Timothy Wise, director of the Research and Policy Program at the Global Development and Environment Institute, Tufts University, and leads its Globalization and Sustainable Development Program
Gerardo Otero, professor of sociology, and an associate member of the school for International Studies at 間眅埶AV.
Harley Shaiken, professor of social and cultural studies at the Graduate School of Education, director of the Center for Latin American Studies and a member of the Department of Geography at UC Berkeley
Further reading:
Gerardo Otero: (link to this article in Selected Articles)
25 February 2013
Redeye: Vancouver Cooperative Radio
By Mordecai Brimberg
Radio interview (19 minutes) on the junk-food-risk index I am developing, in
25 February 2013
Radio interview (19 minutes) on the junk-food-risk index I am developing, in
25 February 2013
Radio interview (19 minutes) on the junk-food-risk index I am developing, in
25 February 2013
Videos (click red hyperlinks)
LASA Di獺logos: "". Un panel moderado por Gerardo Otero el 27 de julio de 2022. Panelistas: Hern獺n Dar穩o Correa, Arturo Escobar, Irene V矇lez-Torres y Mara Viveros.
Gerardo Otero. 2022. "." Webinar presented as part of the Agrarian Change Webinars, organized by the Journal of Agrarian Change. University of London (SOAS). 20 October 2022.
Gerardo Otero. 2022. Participaci籀n en el panel: Conversatorio: Instituto de Geograf穩a. Universidad Nacional Aut籀noma de M矇xico. 5 de octubre de 2022. NOTA: Empieza en el minuto 10.
Gerardo Otero. 2022. Seminar Lecture in the course "Politics, Institutions and Development" on: 4 October 2022.
Gerardo Otero, 2021. "." Ponencia magistral en el 3er Congreso del Sur en la Universidad Austral de Chile, 14 de diciembre de 2021.
Gerardo Otero, 2021. Inaugural Lecture. Distinguished Alumni Speaker Series. Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies. University of Texas at Austin: "Was there a Left Turn in Latin America? Building a Social Democracy Index." Talk's duration: 40 minutes. Total with questions and answers, 1:06. Watch it on or . 4 November 2021.
Gerardo Otero. 2021. Conferencia magistral en el XLI Seminario de Econom穩a Agr穩cola: Sobrevivencia y recomposici籀n del sector agroalimentario ante la pandemia por covid-19, sobre "". 28 de octubre de 2021. Instituto de Investigaciones Econ籀micas de la Universidad Nacional Aut籀noma de M矇xico. Duraci籀n total, con presentaci籀n y preguntas y respuestas: 1:06:00.
Gerardo Otero. 2021. Lecture and discussion at Dr. Rick Welsh graduate class, Department of Nutrition and Food Studies, Syracuse University: "." 14 April, 2021. (Duration: 15 minutes lecture and 30 minutes discussion.)
Gerardo Otero. 2021. Neoliberal Diet and Inequality. March 24. Presented at the symposium: Food Security in the Americas: Race, Nutrition and Obesity. Food Security in the Americas Series. David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies, Harvard University. Available in .
Gerardo Otero. Lecture on: "." Delivered via Zoom at the University of Arizona, Center for Regional Food Studies, November 17, 2020.
Gerardo Otero. Presentaci籀n: (liga directa a mi ponencia, duraci籀n de 23 minutos) en el Seminario Internacional "" (liga para todo el evento, con ligas para cada ponencia). Universidad Nacional Aut籀noma de M矇xico. Noviembre 7, 2018.
Gerardo Otero. 2018 (November 21). Interview by .
Gerardo Otero. 2017. T.V. interview with Bloomberg News about NAFTA negotiations, August 15, 2017:
Gerardo Otero. 2014. Video on , given at the Latin American, Caribbean and Iberian Studies Program, University of Wisconsin-Madison, on 16 September 2014.
Gerardo Otero. 2013. February 8. This is a 12-minutes presentation of what I then called the "", which would become the Neoliberal Diet Risk Index in my 2018 book, .
Gerardo Otero. 2011. Video on , delivered on 13 April, 2011, at the University of Chicago (duration 30 minutes)