
Book Reviews by Gerardo Otero

  • Gerardo Otero. 2020. Review of Alysha Galvez, Eating NAFTA: Trade, Food Policies, and the Destruction of Mexico. Contemporary Sociology. 2020.
  • Gerardo Otero. 2020. Review of Sheldon Krimsky's . Cambridge: MIT Press. 216 pp. (see on pp. 93-95)
  • Gerardo Otero. Review published in Contemporary Sociology in 2014 of: Gianpaolo Baiochi, Patrick Heller, and Marcelo K. Silva. Bootstrapping Democracy: Transforming Local Democracy and Civil Society in Brazil. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press. 2011. 204 pp.
  • Gerardo Otero. 2014. Review published in American Journal of Sociology. Volume 119, number 4 , January, Review of: Kathleen C. Schwartzman. 2013. The Chicken Trail: Following Workers, Migrants, and Corporations across the Americas. Ithaca, N.Y.: ILR Press, 2013. Pp. xii+202. $24.95 (paper).
  • Gerardo Otero. Review published in Social Forces 2012. doi: 10.1093/sf/sos179 of: Eduardo Silva. 2009. Challenging Neoliberalism in Latin America. New York: Cambridge University Press. Xviii + 318 pp. 
  • Gerardo Otero. Review published in Canadian Journal of Sociology, Summer 2010 of: William Robinson. 2008. Global Capitalism and Latin America. Johns Hopkins Studies in Globalization. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. 
  • Gerardo Otero. Review published in Contemporary Sociology. 27(4):397-398, 1998, of: de Janvry, Alain, Gustavo Gordillo, and Elisabeth Sadoulet. 1997. Mexico’s Second Agrarian Reform: Household and Community Responses. Transformation of Rural Mexico Series, Number 1. La Jolla, CA: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. 
  • Gerardo Otero. Review published in Journal of Developing Societies. Jan. 1, 1993, of: David R. Mares. 1987. Penetrating the International Market: Theoretical Considerations and a Mexican Case Study. New York: Columbia University Press. (About the political class formation of Mexico’s agrarian bourgeoisie from the state of Sinaloa.) 
  • Gerardo Otero. Review published in Contemporary Sociology. 16(3):349-50. 1987, of two books: Lucas de Rouffignac, Ann Elizabeth. 1985. The Contemporary Peasantry in Mexico: A Class Analysis. New York : Praeger. and Ward, Peter. 1986. Welfare Politics in Mexico: Papering Over the Cracks. London: Allen & Unwin.