Book Chapters
- Gerardo Otero, Gabriela Pechlaner and Efe Can G羹rcan. 2015. The Neoliberal Diet: Fattening Profits and People. (FINAL PREPUBLICATION DRAFT.) In Stephen Haymes, Maria Vidal de Haymes, and Reuben Miller, eds. Routledge Handbook of Poverty and the United States. Routledge.
- Gerardo Otero and Gabriela Pechlaner. 2010. Neoliberalism and Food Vulnerability: The Stakes for the South. Pp. 79-96 in Gefferey Lawrence, Kristen Lyons, and Tabatha Wallington, eds. Food Security, Nutrition and Sustainability. London: Earthscan.
- Gerardo Otero and Cornelia Butler Flora. 2009. Sweet Protectionism: State Policy and Employment in the Sugar Industries of the NAFTA Countries. Pp. 63-88 in Juan M. Rivera, Scott Whiteford, and Manuel Ch獺vez, eds. NAFTA and the Campesinos: The Impact of NAFTA on Small-Scale Agricultural Producers in Mexico and the Prospects for Change. Scranton and London: University of Scranton Press.
- Armando Bartra and Gerardo Otero. 2009. Contesting neoliberal globalism and NAFTA in Rural Mexico: From State Corporatism to the Political-Cultural formation of the Peasantry. Pp. 92-113 in Jeffrey Ayres and Laura Macdonald (eds).Contentious Politics in North America: National Protest and Transnational Collaboration Under Continental Integration.Houndmills, England: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Gerardo Otero. 2008. Contesting neoliberal globalism in Mexico: challenges for the political and the social left. Pp. 163-177 in Paul Bowles, Ray Broomhill, Teresa Gutierrez-Haces and Stephen McBride (eds). International Trade and Neoliberal Globalism: Towards Re-Peripheralization in Australia, Canada and Mexico. Routledge Studies in Governance and Change in the Global Era. London: Routledge.
- Armando Bartra and Gerardo Otero. 2008. Movimientos ind穩genas campesinos en M矇xico: la lucha por la tierra, la autonom穩a y la democracia. Pp. 401-428 in Sam Moyo y Paris Yeros, eds. Recuperando la tierra. El resurgimiento de movimientos rurales en frica, Asia y Am矇rica Latina. Buenos Aires: CLACSO, Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales. ISBN 978-987-1183-85-2.
- Armando Bartra and Gerardo Otero. 2005. Indian Peasant Movements in Mexico: The Struggle for Land, Autonomy and Democracy. Pp. 383-410 in Sam Moyo and Paris Yeros, eds. Reclaiming the Land: The Resurgence of Rural Movements in Africa, Asia and Latin America. London and New York: Zed Books.
- Gerardo Otero. 2004a. "Mexicos Double Movement: Neoliberal Globalism and Civil Society." Pp. 1-17 in Gerardo Otero, ed. Mexico in Transition: Neoliberal Globalism, the State and Civil Society. London: Zed Books; Nova Scotia: Fernwood.
- Gerardo Otero. 2004b. "Contesting neoliberal globalism from below: The EZLN, Indian rights, and citizenship." Pp. 221-237 in Gerardo Otero, ed. Mexico in Transition: Neoliberal Globalism, the State and Civil Society. London: Zed Books; Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishers.
- Horacio Mackinlay and Gerardo Otero. 2004. "State Corporatism and Peasant Organizations: Toward New Institutional Arrangements." Pp. 72-88 in Gerardo Otero, ed. Mexico in Transition: Neoliberal Globalism, the State and Civil Society. London: Zed Books; Nova Scotia: Fernwood.
- Gerardo Otero, Stephanie Scott and Christopher Gilbreth. 1997. New Technologies, Neoliberalism, and Social Polarization in Mexicos Agriculture. Pp. 253-270 in The Cutting Edge: High Technology, Social Change and Revolution. James Davis, Thomas Hirschl, and Michael Stack, eds. London: Verso.
- Gerardo Otero. 1992. The Differential Impact of Biotechnology: The Mexico United States Contrast. Pp. 117-126 inBiotechnology: A Hope or a Threat. Iftikhar Ahmed, ed. London, Macmillan.
- Gerardo Otero. 1989. Agrarian Reform in Mexico: Capitalism and the State. Pp. 276-304 in Searching for Agrarian Reform in Latin America. William Thiesenhusen, ed. Boston: Unwin Hyman.
- A. Eugene Havens, Susana Lastarria and Gerardo Otero. 1983. Class Struggle and the Agrarian Reform Process. Pp. 14-39 in Military Reformism and the Social Classes: The Peruvian Experience, 1968-1980. David Booth and Bernardo Sorj, eds. New York:St. Martins Press.