

Allowed and denied senders

In addition to the Allowed To Send checkbox on the Maillist members tab, there is an Allowed Senders tab and a Denied Senders tab. These let you edit the Allow and Deny lists directly.

Allowed Senders

The Allowed Senders list is a list of addresses that are explicitly allowed to send to the list. These would be addresses of people in addition to the members of the list (if members are allowed to send to the list) who the owner or manager of the list wants to allow to send to the list.

To add an address to the Allowed Senders list, click on Add Addresses then enter the address and click Add. You can also download the addresses currently in the Allowed Senders list by clicking on Download Addresses to File.

To delete an address from the list, click the Trash icon.

Denied Senders

The Denied Senders list is a list of addresses that the owner or manager of the list has explicitly denied the right to send to the list (even if that person is a member of the list)

To add an address to the Denied Senders list, click on Add Addresses then enter the address and click Add. You can also download the addresses currently in the Denied Senders list by clicking on Download Addresses to File.

To delete an address from the list, click the Trash icon.

Adding a wildcard

wildcard address is one with the form *@foo.bar. For example, adding *@cs.sfu.ca to the Allowed Senders list will allow any address which ends in "@cs.sfu.ca" to send to the list. Adding it to the Denied Senders list will deny all addresses in that domain from sending to your list.

Adding a Regular Expression

Advanced users can add regular expressions to the Allowed Senders and Denied Senders lists. Regular expressions are too complex to describe here. For a description of regular expressions, see the unix manual page for grep. (Log onto fraser and type man grep).

Regular expressions must have the form /regex/. For example, /^.*@.*\.sfu\.ca$/.