
Faculty of Arts + Social Sciences Profiles: 2023

The Faculty of Art & Social Sciences focuses on developing engaged citizens primed to shape and be involved in their communities. The faculty is home to a range of highly ranked programs across 16 departments and schools, as well as a language institute.

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  • September 12, 2023

    September 12, 2023

    Troy Boucher is a doctoral student in the Clinical Psychology program. He is in the Autism and Developmental Disabilities Lab (ADDL) conducting research in autism and intellectual disability across the lifespan.(Vanier scholarship, Robert Russell Family First Nations Graduate Scholarship, Dean’s Graduate Fellowship, BC Graduate Scholarship, and SSHRC Canada Graduate Scholarship)

  • January 10, 2023

    January 10, 2023

    Ihsan is a criminology master's student and a recipient of the CGS Master's Scholarship. With her research focused on correction, she hopes to contribute to improving Canada's criminal justice system.

  • January 12, 2023

    January 12, 2023

    Shawna is a doctoral student of gerontology and a recipient of the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship. Shawna currently studies the impact of social isolation on the health of older adults, especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • January 05, 2023

    January 05, 2023

    Lisa is an anthropology master's student and a recipient of the SSHRC CGS-Masters Scholarship. From her research, Lisa hopes to gain a greater understanding of the complexity and diversity of Muslim women's experiences within a Canadian context.

  • April 05, 2024

    April 05, 2024

    Dana Graham Lai is a English doctoral student in the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and a recipient of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Canada Graduate Scholarship (CGS) Doctoral award (2023) and SSHRC-funded M.A. (CGSM) in Interdisciplinary Humanities at Trinity Western University (2022).

  • January 05, 2023

    January 05, 2023

    Letícia is pursuing her MA in International Studies, coming from Brazil as an International Relations professional. Letícia's interest focuses on social change, human rights and migration.

  • January 16, 2023

    January 16, 2023

    Medha is a clinical psychology student and a recipient of the CGS Master's Scholarship. Medha's current research focuses on examining factors contributing to the development of persistent post-concussion symptoms.

  • April 17, 2023

    April 17, 2023

    Pavel is a sociology master's student who studies sociologically inclined theoretical perspectives on the collapse of the Soviet Union.

  • January 09, 2023

    January 09, 2023

    Samantha is a doctoral student in the School of Criminology and a recipient of the SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship. Samantha's research is focused on wildlife criminology.