

Caitlyn Mackie - Coop Q & A

BEnv Global Environmental Systems

Co-op Term: Summer/Fall 2023

Where did you work?

 Teck Resources Ltd. at Cardinal River Mine in the Environmental department

What was your role? What were some of your responsibilities?

Acted as an environmental field technician: soil sampling, water sampling, wildlife monitoring etc. Ensuring all environmental aspects were "in compliance" according to provincial regulations. Cardinal River Mine is a closed coal mine so it is currently in a reclamation phase: putting back the land to as natural a state as possible.

How did the skills/knowledge developed in the classroom apply to your job? What did you learn?

Field school (GEOG310) was a nice preparation for what it's like working outdoors in the field every day. It gave me a chance to see what different kinds of field work were like.

Can you share a challenge you faced in your Co-op and how you overcame it?

Working with different personalities is a life-long learning opportunity; adjusting to a new team environment was a challenge and getting settled into the day to day routine.

What was your most memorable Co-op experience?

Working in such a beautiful location in the rockies has been memorable. I have had the chance to see wildlife on a daily basis, some animals which I've never seen before in real life! I love working outdoors so this has really been the dream position for me.

What advice do you have for future Co-op students?

Moving away can be scary but it's so worth it!