

Jonathan Ling - Co-op Q & A

BA Geography (Soc+Env), Bus Min, GIS Cert

Co-op Term: Summer 2021

Where did you work?

 I worked for the Agency for Cooperative Housing and worked in the Corporate services department. I worked at home because the organization closed their office before the start of my work term.

What was your role (what type of work did you do)? What were some of your responsibilities?

 I worked as a Data Entry Student where I entered data for the Agency’s Rental Assistance Program. The program helped co-op housing members access federal rental subsidies. In addition, I helped the IT team procure software, gave presentations to upper management and wrote guides to familiarize staff with Microsoft Teams.

How did the skills/knowledge developed in the classroom apply to your job? What did you learn?

 In addition to the writing and presentation skills mentioned above, I used some excel skills learned in GEOG 251 for basic accounting when I procured software for the agency.

Can you share a challenge you faced in your Co-op and how you overcame it?

I suffered a concussion shortly before the start of my work term, which affected my ability to work on a computer. After speaking with Paul (the coop coordinator) and the HR team leader at the agency, I received accommodations to help me transition to my position.

What was your most memorable Co-op experience?

 Meeting my coworkers in person and visiting the new agency office in East Vancouver during the end of the work term. We had a great time getting to know each other after spending most of our time together online and visiting the new office which was opening after my work term.

What have you learned through your Co-op experience?

I learned about a new industry that serves a vulnerable population. Co-operative housing is a sector that gives low income people an affordable place to live especially in cities across the country that are facing housing crises. In addition, I learned time management skills due to the amount of tasks I had to complete in this position.

What advice do you have for future Co-op students?

Never give up on your co-op work term search. It was very difficult to find positions during my search term because of a significant decrease of available jobs compared to non-pandemic terms. I was applying and interviewing for positions during the third week of classes during the summer term.