

Lilian Yang

Program: PhD

Supervisor: Bing Lu

Education: BS: University of California Santa Barbara. MS: California State University Long Beach.

Research description/interests: Physical Geography, Agricultural Technology, GIS, Remote Sensing, Human Geography

Awards: Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship (Spring 2022), Travel and Research Award (Summer 2022)

Teaching Assistantships: GEOG 253, GEOG 104, GEOG 100, GEOG 453

Research Assistantships: ReSEC Lab


Laris, Paul, Lilian Yang, Fadiala Dembele, and Christine. M. Rodrigue. (2021). Fire and Water: The Role of Grass Competition on Juvenile Tree Growth and Survival Rates in a Mesic Savanna. Plant Ecology, .

Laris, Paul, Moussa Koné, Fadiala Dembélé, Lilian Yang, and Rebecca Jacobs. (2021). Methane gas emissions from savanna fires: What analysis of local burning regimes in a working West African Landscape tell us. Biogeochemistry: Greenhouse Gases. https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-18-6229-2021

Arguez, Anthony, Shannan Hurley, Anand Inamdar, Laurel Mahoney, Alex Sanchez-Lugo, and Lilian Yang. (2020). Should we expect each year in the next decade (2019-2028) to be ranked among the top 10 warmest years globally? Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-19-0215.1