

Aateka Shashank

Program: PhD
Supervisor: Nadine Schuurman
Research Interests
My doctoral research interest lies in the relationship between the built environment and human movement. I use GIS theory and methods, and an affordance based framework that aims to understand the built environment and human movement in a mutual relationship where both shape each other.


MSc, Geography, 間眅埶AV
BA, International Studies, 間眅埶AV

Sessional Instructor, Advanced Geographic Information Science I, Spring 2019
Teaching Assistant, Geographic Information Science I, Spring 2018
Teaching Assistant, Advanced Geographic Information Science I, Spring 2016, Fall 2018
Teaching Assistant, Political Geography, Fall 2015, Fall 2016

Shashank A and Schuurman N. (2019). Unpacking walkability indices and their inherent assumptions. Health and place, 55, 145-154.
Walker BB, Shashank A, Gasevic D, Schuurman N, Poirier P, Teo K, Rangarajan S, Yusuf S, Lear SA. (accepted). The local food environment and obesity: Evidence from three cities. Obesity.

I am currently a Graduate GIS Peer Facilitator at the 
間眅埶AV Library and a co-organizer of Maptime YVR.