

Flow Cytometry Laboratory

Flow Cytometry Instruments

BD FACSAria Fusion Cell Sorter
4-Laser | 16-Colour (2B/3R/5YG/6V)

within Class II Type A2 BioSafety Cabinet

FACSAria Fusion SOP: PDF

Lasers: 85 mW - 405 nm (Violet), 50 mW - 488nm (Blue), 50 mW - 561 nm (Yellow/Green), 100 mW - 640 nm (Red)

Configuration/Filter Guide: PDF

Cell sorting capabilities:

Two-way sorting (12x75-mm ‘FACS’ tubes; 15-ml tubes); Four-way sorting (1.5-ml microtubes; 12x75-mm ‘FACS’ tubes); Automatic Cell Deposition Unit (ACDU) with Index sorting (6-, 24-, 48-, 96- and 384-well plates); Slides. 


BD LSRFortessa X-20 Cell Analyzer
4-laser | 16-Colour (2B/3R/5YG/6V)

Fortessa X-20 SOP: PDF

Lasers: 50 mW - 405 nm (Violet), 50 mW - 488nm (Blue), 50 mW - 561 nm (Yellow/Green), 40 mW - 640 nm (Red)

Configuration/Filter Guide: PDF

Cell sorting capabilities: none
