

FHS researchers and experts are working with partners from around the world in response to COVID-19.

With a wealth of experience from past pandemics, our research community is well positioned to provide expertise and advice with the current outbreak.

In addition, our faculty members are currently involved with a number of important research projects to better understand, test and prevent COVID-19 and better coordinate efforts to control pandemics on a global scale.

These transformative discoveries will have significant social, economic and environmental impacts for current and future generations.

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BC COVID-19 Research and Collaboration Symposium: Public Health, Populations, Health Services, and Impacts

The primary goals of the Symposium were to raise awareness of the rich set of COVID-19 research projects and their methodologies underway across BC on the public and population health response and its impacts as well as health services and social sciences/humanities research and to encourage collaboration as well as identify and address challenges to the research. Much of this research has been recently funded, is being undertaken as a pivot from other research projects, or is underway even though unfunded. Therefore, the Symposium was not results focused, but was instead focused on identifying synergies across planned/early-stage research. The main sessions, taking place from Sept 1st to 2nd, focused on highlighting research funded by CIHR, MSFHR, and Genome Canada/BC.

The objectives of the symposium were to:

  1. Share the broad range of research being conducted across BC on population and public health, health services and other impacts of COVID-19 to stimulate discussions around synergies and research gaps;
  2. Learn how this research can inform and support the BC Ministry of Healths COVID-19 strategic priorities and the BC Strategic COVID-19 Research Framework; and
  3. Discuss strategies for minimizing patient burden and the efficient use of data and support platforms that are available to COVID-19 researchers in BC.

The recordings of the sessions are provided by the BC Academic Health Science Network. for more information, and for the entire symposium video playlist.

Day 1 Sessions:

Territorial Welcome by Elder Margaret George
Welcome by Dr. Bonnie Henry, Provincial Health Officer

Symposium introduction by Peter Berman, UBC SPPH

Session 1: Setting the Scene Strategic Priorities and Frameworks

  • Public health response to COVID-19 in British Columbia [David Patrick, BCCDC]
  • BC Ministry of Health Research Priorities and Alignment [Victoria Schuckel, BC Ministry of Health]
  • Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Overall Response related to COVID-19 and Research Priorities [Chonnettia Jones, MSFHR]
  • BC COVID-19 Strategic Research Advisory Committee (SRAC) - Input into the BC Strategic COVID-19 Research Framework [Kelly Barnard, SRAC]
  • Knowledge Translation [Lupin Battersby, 間眅埶AV Knowledge Mobilization]


Session 2: Development and implementation of public health measures

  • Epidemiology and Modeling [Caroline Colijn, 間眅埶AV]
  • Implementing Public Health Measures [Alice Virani, PHSA]
  • Developing Readiness Strategy Guidance for Travelers Visiting Friends and Relatives [Cindy Jardine, University of the Fraser Valley]
  • Organization, Politics and Governance of Response [Max Cameron, UBC]

Session 3: Population health impact of public health measures

  • Overall population impacts [Kate Smolina, BCCDC]
  • Indigenous Peoples/Communities [Jeff Reading, 間眅埶AV]
  • Seniors [Kelli Stajduhar, UVic]
  • Children and Youth [Ryan Rhodes, UVic]
  • Rural populations [Kathy Rush, UBC-Okanagan]
  • Specific Patient Populations [Juan Antonio Avina-Zubieta, Arthritis Research]

Session 4: Pandemic Impact on Health Services and Workforce

  • COVID-19 Health Services [Alison Hoens and Chris Carlsten, UBC]
  • Non-COVID-19 Health Services and Delivery [Emilie Joos, Vancouver Coastal Health]
  • Overdose Prevention [Amanda Slaunwhite, BCCDC and Louise Meilleur, FNHA]
  • Rural Medicine and Virtual Services [John Pawlovich, Rural Coordination Centre of BC/UBC]

Day 2 Sessions:

Welcome by Joy Johnson, President and Vice-Chancellor, 間眅埶AV

Symposium introduction by Peter Berman, UBC SPPH

Session 5: Support Platforms and Methods

  • Expedited, harmonized research ethics [Terri Fleming, Research Ethics BC]
  • Patient oriented research and REACH BC [Stefanie Cheah, BC SUPPORT Unit]
  • BC COVID-19 research database [Lindsay Hedden, BC AHSN & 間眅埶AV]
  • Population Data BC [Kim McGrail, UBC SPPH and UBC Health]
  • COVID-19 Inclusive Language Guide [Harlan Pruden, BCCDC]


Session 6: Other impacts of public health measures/ unintended consequences

  • BC schools/post-secondary institutions Special Education [Vicki Floyd Knight and Kim Zebehazy, UBC]
  • Work from home [Kafui Monu, UNBC]
  • Back to work [Simon Pimstone, UBC]
  • BC Geographies [Valorie Crooks, 間眅埶AV]

Session 7: Global Health

  • Travel restrictions and other crossborder measures during pandemics: The role of global governance [Kelley Lee, 間眅埶AV]
  • Democratic Health Communications during COVID-19 [Heidi Tworek, UBC]
  • Pandemic Economies: Bonds, Hedge Funds and Making Money with a Pandemic [Susan Erikson, 間眅埶AV]
  • Utilizing Health Systems Data to Respond to COVID-19 in Seven Resource Poor Countries [Michael Law, UBC]
  • Containing COVID-19: How has governance, the public health system and politics shaped country responses [Peter Berman, UBC]
  • Protecting South African healthcare workers from COVID-19: A comparative contextualized global occupational health analysis [Annalee Yassi & Jerry Spiegel, UBC]
  • Gender disparities within the response to COVID-19 [Julia Smith, 間眅埶AV]
  • Impact of COVID-19 on mental health [Lara Aknin, 間眅埶AV]


Session 8: Synthesis

  • Summary of rapporteur session reports [Tania Bubela, FHS, 間眅埶AV]
  • Discussion of next steps and synergies Study Questions, Populations, Data, Methods, Enablers, Challenges & Gaps [Moderators: Tania Bubela, FHS, 間眅埶AV and Chonnettia Jones, MSFHR, MSFHR]

COVID-19 research works in progress

Anne-Marie Nicol
KT through professional practice role

Mark Brockman
Serological test for COVID-19 antibodies

Mark BrockmanMasa Niikura, Peter J Unrau
SARS-CoV-2 Rapid Research: Fast track isothermal viral diagnostics

Mark BrockmanZabrina Brumme, Leonid Chindelevitch, Robert Holt, Mario Ostrowski, Victor Appay, George Gao, Bradley Jones, Zara Ndhlovu, Thumbi Ndung'u
Harnessing cross-reactive T cell receptors to eliminate latent HIV reservoirs

Scott Lear
Measuring Mental Well-being During a Pandemic Study

Kelley Lee, Julia Smith, Adam Kamradt-Scott, Catherine Worsnop, Caroline Coljin, Karen Gr矇pin, Will Hsiao, Julianne Piper
Decision tools to inform adoption and lifting of crossborder measures during the COVID-19 pandemic and future global outbreak preparedness

Kelley Lee, Julia Smith, Clare Wenham, Ahmed Al-Rawi, Rosemary Morgan, Karen Gr矇pin, Sophie Harman, Sara Davies
Understanding and mitigating real-time differential gendered effects of the COVID-19 outbreak

Kelley Lee, Adam Kamradt-Scott, Karen Gr矇pin, Catherine Worsnop, Julianne Piper
Understanding non-compliance with the International Health Regulations (2005): Recommended strategies to inform and strengthen global coordination of the COVID-19 outbreak response

John O'Neil, Nguyen Vu Cong, Kanna Hayashi, Harry Minas, Jill Murphy, Will Small, Duc To, Nguyen Van Hoi
Implementation Research to Improve Scale-Up of Depression Services in Vietnam (IRIS-DSV)

Julia Smith
Gender and COVID-19

Zabrina Brumme, Don Kirkby, Chanson Brumme, Julio Montaner
Rapid release of an easily accessible SARS-CoV-2 genome analysis pipeline

Zabrina Brumme, Christopher Lowe, Jill Jackson, Chanson Brumme, Victor Leung, Nancy Matic, Julio Montaner, Gordon Ritchie, Marc Romney, Aleksandra Stefanovic
COVID19 test sensitivity:  Investigating COVID-19 test sensitivity using differential, research-based molecular methods

Zabrina Brumme, Christopher Lowe, Chanson Brumme, Nancy Matic, Julio Montaner, Gordon Ritchie, Aleksandra Stefanovic
Development of sensitive and quantitative molecular technologies for SARS-CoV-2 detection

Stuart Peacock, Helen McTaggert-Cowan, Mary de Vera
Understanding the experiences of individuals with immunosuppressive conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic (UNIFIED)

Stuart Peacock, Kim McGrail, Mike Burgess
Public Input into Pandemic Planning: deliberating trade-offs in COVID-19 planning

Meghan Winters, Caislin Firth
COHESION-BC Study: COvid-19, HEalth and Social InteractiOn in Neighbourhoods in British Columbia

Kate Tairyan
COVID-19 online course

Travis Salway, Joelle LeMoult, Gina McGowan, Harlan Pruden, Emily Rempel
Tailoring BCs public health guidance for managing anxiety and depression in the context of COVID-19

Ralph Pantophlet, J.-P. Julien, S. P繹hlmann
Repurposing of anti-HIV antibodies to target the glycan shield of SARS-CoV-2

Ralph Pantophlet,
Preclinical development of an epitope-focused vaccine component against SARS-CoV-2

Ralph Pantophlet
Assessment of COVID-19 monoclonal antibodies and COVID-19 positive patient sera for neutralizing activity using a pseudovirus-based

Ruth LavergneHasina Samji, Will Small, Tonia Nicholls, Christian Schutz
Access to mental health care in the context of COVID-19: Rapid analysis of population-based administrative data in British Columbia

Shira Goldenberg, Ruth Lavergne, Mei-ling Wiedmeyer
Is British Columbias COVID-19 response meeting the needs of im/migrants?

Kanna Hayashi, Kora Debeck, M-J Milloy, Cheyenne Johnson, Dean Wilson
Impacts of COVID-19 harm mitigation efforts on COVID-19 risk and health among people who use illicit drugs in Vancouver, BC

Beth Snow, Amy Salmon, Wei Zhang, Ihoghosa Iyamu
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical and non-clinical healthcare workers in the Lower Mainland

Lindsay HeddenRuth Lavergne, Rita McCracken, Ian Scott, Mei-ling Weidmeyer
Patterns of primary care in the context of COVID-19

Lindsay Hedden, Kendall Ho, Sandra Sundhu, Colleen McGavin, Helen Novak Lauscher
HealthLink BC Emergency iDoctor-in-assistance: Evaluating a new service responding to the pandemic

Sonya Cressman, Julia Smith, Rosemary Morgan, Colleen Allison, Carolie Colijn, Don Sin, Renelle Myers, Pat Camp 
A gender-accurate economic model for optimizing COVID-19 response policy

Hasina Samji, Matthew Carwana
Community partnership to mitigate harm from COVID-19 for vulnerable families, children and youth: deploying a social
pediatrics approach to measure gaps and define essential services

Shira Goldenberg, Ruth Lavergne, Mei-ling Wiedmeyer, Kate Shannon, Susitha Wanigaratne
Preventing and Mitigating the Impacts of COVID-19 Among Im/migrants in British Columbia: Rapid Mixed-Methods Data to Inform Policy and Programmes

Julian Somers, Stefanie Rezansoff, Angela Russolillo, Akm Moniruzzaman, Brittany Bingham
Blind Spots: People in Prison and Precarious Housing During COVID-19

Stuart Peacock, Murray Krahn, Girish Kulkarni
The Response of Provincial Health Systems to COVID-19: Service Provision and Costs Across Health Sectors, First Nations and other populations

Our experts' research publications

Kelley Lee

LEE K., Akuffo E., Shaw T.
Canadas COVID-19 response: Navigating national and global solidarity - The Round Table (Commonwealth Journal of International Affairs)

LEE K., Worsnop C., Grepin K., Kamradt-Scott A.
Comment:  Coordination remains critical to effective global response to COVID-19 - Lancet

Wenham C., Smith J., Morgan R., LEE K. et al.
COVID-19:  The gendered impacts of the outbreak - Lancet

McInnes C., LEE K., Youde J.
The Oxford Handbook of Global Health Politics - Oxford University Press

Fang J.
Taiwan-U.S. Quarterly Analysis

Moon S., Sridhar D., Pate M., Jha A., Clinton C., Delauney S., Edwin V., Fallah M., Fidler D., Garrett L., Goosby E., Gostin L., Heymann D., LEE K., Leung G., Morrison S., Saavedra J., Tanner M., Leigh J., Hawkins B., Woskie L., Piot P.
Will Ebola change the game?:  Ten essential reforms before the next pandemic. The report of the Harvard-LSHTM Independent Panel on the Global Response to Ebola - Lancet

Herington J., LEE K.
The limits of global health diplomacy:  Taiwans observer status at the World Health Assembly - Globalization and Health

Kamradt-Scott A., LEE K.
The 2011 Pandemic Preparedness Framework:  Global health secured or a missed opportunity - Political Studies

, Kamradt-Scott A.
Cholera: The environmental origins of outbreaks and pandemics - Environmental Medicine

The World Health Organization - Routledge

Fidler D.
Avian and pandemic influenza:  Progress and problems for global governance - Global Public Health

Saker L., LEE K, Cannito B., Gilmore A., Campbell-Lendrum D.
Globalization and infectious diseases


Anne-Marie Nicol

, Hurrell C., Mcdowall W., Bartlett K., Elmieh N.
Communicating the risks of a new, emerging pathogen: The case of Cryptococcus gattii - Risk Analysis: An International Journal

Robert Hogg

Marziali M.E., Card K.G., McLinden T., Wang L., Trigg J., HOGG RS.
 - Aids and Behavior

Susan Erikson

- Medical Anthropology

- Nature Human Behavior

Johnson L.
 - Lancet Infectious Diseases

Global Health Futures? Reckoning with a Pandemic Bond - Medicine Anthropology Theory

 - Critical Public Health

 - Medical Anthropology Quarterly

The Limits of the International Health Regulations: Ebola Governance, Regulatory Breach, and the Non-Negotiable Necessity of National Healthcare - The Governance of Disease Outbreaks. International Health Law: Lessons from the Ebola Crisis and Beyond

Maya Gislason

Climate change, health and infectious disease - Virulence

West Nile virus: The production of a public health pandemic - Sociology of Health & Illness

Sounding a public health alarm: Producing West Nile virus as a newly emerging infectious disease epidemic - Advances in Medical Sociology

Bohdan Nosyk

, Armstrong WS., Del Rio C.
IN PRESS, Clinical Infectious Diseases

Our experts in the media

August 30 - Tania Bubela
- Global News

August 28 - Tania Bubela
- CFAX 1070

August 20 - Kelley Lee
- 980 CKNW

August 19 - Brittany Bingham
- Coast Reporter

August 19 - Brittany Bingham
 - Vancouver Sun

August 19 - Kelley Lee
 - CTV News

August 15 - Scott Lear
- Global News

August 14 - Susan Erikson
- ICI Radio-Canada.ca

August 13 - Scott Lear
- Global News

August 11 - Scott Lear
- Vancouver Sun

August 8 - Julia Smith
- Salon.com

August 4 - Julia Smith
- Firstpost.com

August 3 - Kelley Lee

August 3 - Kelley Lee
- Talk Radio AM640 (CFMJ)

August 3 - Kelley Lee
- Talk Radio AM640 (CFMJ)

July 21 - Natalie Kinloch
- T-Net

July 19 - Julia Smith
- Singtao.ca

July 19 - Julia Smith
- National Post

July 12 - Kelley Lee
- The Business Standard

July 9 - Kelley Lee
- Wall Street Journal

July 9 - Kelley Lee
- Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

July 8 - Kelley Lee
- Dutch Public Television

July 8 - Kelley Lee
- KQED Public Media for Northern California

July 8 - Cecilia Sierra-Heredia
- The Georgia Straight

July 7 - Kelley Lee
 - New York Times

July 7 - Kelley Lee
- Inter News Cast

July 4 - Shira Goldenberg
- The Province

July 1 - Ralph Pantophlet 
- The Tyee

June 30 - Kelley Lee
- America Dissected Podcast

June 30 - Kelley Lee
- World Insight, CGTN (China)

June 29 - Tania Bubela
- CJWW Radio

June 26 - Kelley Lee
- World Economic Forum

June 25 - Bohdan Nosyk
- Mirage News

June 24 - Kelley Lee
- Da Groene Amsterdammer (Netherlands)

June 20 - Julia Smith

June 5 - Kelley Lee

June 4 - Kelley Lee
- Pharmalive

June 2 - Meghan Winters
 - The Province

June 2 - Kelley Lee
- Sina (China)

June 1 - Kelley Lee
- The Daily Briefing

June 1 - Kelley Lee
- Super Interessante (Brazil)

June 1 - Kelley Lee
- Cuba Periodistas

June 1 - Kelley Lee
- Radio Slobodna Europa (Slovenia)

June 1 - Julian Somers 
- Vancouver is Awesome

May 31 - Kelley Lee

May 31 - Kelley Lee

May 31 - Kelley Lee
- Sputnik International

May 29 - Kelley Lee
- India International Times

May 28 - Kelley Lee

May 27 - Kelley Lee
- Nature

May 27 - Kelley Lee
- The Atlantic

May 26 - Travis Salway
- The Globe and Mail  

May 26 - Julia Smith
 - The Peak

May 26 - Julia Smith
- Fox News  

May 26 - Julia Smith
- The Science Times 

May 25 - Julia Smith
- Halifax Examiner 

May 25 - Bruce Lanphear
- Bowen Island Undercurrent

May 24 - Julia Smith
- CNN.com  

May 22 - Pablo Nepomnaschy
 - Nature Index

May 21 - Stuart Peacock
 - UBC Faculty of Medicine

May 21 - Kelley Lee
 - National Public Radio

May 20 - Susan Erikson
- Financial Times

May 20 - Kelley Lee
 - The Peak

May 20 - Kelley Lee
- Al Jazeera English

May 20 - Kelley Lee
- ICI Radio-Canada.ca

May 19 - Kelley Lee
- KCRW 89.9 FM  

May 19 - Susan Erikson
- Al Bawaba

May 19 - Kelley Lee

May 19 - Kelley Lee
- Time 

May 19 - Kelley Lee
- Vox 

May 19 - Kelley Lee
 - CBC Radio One 97.5FM (CBEW) 

May 19 - Kelley Lee
- CBC Radio One 97.5FM (CBEW) 

May 19 -  Bohdan Nosyk
- TheBodyPRO.com  

May 19 -  Stuart Peacock
- Mirage News

May 16 - Kelley Lee
 - ABC Radio National 

May 14 -  Julia Smith
- Vancouver Sun

May 11 - Tania Bubela
- The Hill Times

May 8 - Julia Smith
 - Refinery29

May 8 - Zabrina Brumme
- Daily Mail Online

May 8 - Meghan Winters
- National Post

May 7 - Meghan Winters
 - The Canadian Press

May 7 - Julia Smith
- CBC Radio One 104.7FM (CBVE)

May 7 - Julia Smith
- CBC Radio One 104.7FM (CBVE)

May 4 - Kelley Lee
- Business Insider

May 2 - Scott Lear
- The Good Men Project Magazine

May 1 - Paola Ardiles Gamboa
 - The Georgia Straight

May 1 - Kelley Lee
- South China Morning Post

April 28 - Susan Erikson
- LSE Business Review

April 28 - Julia Smith
- Vancouver Sun

April 28 - Kelley Lee
- The Information Denmark

April 27 - Kelley Lee
 - Change Makers Podcast Series

April 26 - Kelley Lee
 - The Ticker

April 24 - Scott Lear
 - Vancouver Sun

April 22 - Kelley Lee
 - Business Insider

April 20 - Zabrina Brumme
 - Vancouver Sun

April 20 - Julia Smith
 - The Daily Star

April 19 - Kelley Lee
 - Vox
