

Important Sessional Appointment Information

Once you have been offered a Sessional Appointment, a number of supporting forms must be completed in order for payroll to process your appointment. The required forms differ depending on if you have previously worked for ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV as a Sessional. See below for important forms and information.

Returning Sessional

  1. Personal Data Form (required only if any of your information has changed; download this file as it must be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The file will not open properly in your browser or other PDF software)
  2. For appointees who are not Canadian citizens or permanent residents, a scanned copy of the front & back of your current work or study permit is required. PLEASE NOTE: The expiration date on your visa must be after the end date of your sessional appointment. 
  3. Faculty of Health Sciences Workspace Request Form
  4. Privacy & Confidentiality Agreement (required only if you have not previously completed the agreement dated June 26, 2018)

New ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Sessional

  1. Personal Data Form (download this file as it must be opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The file will not open properly in your browser or other PDF software)
  2. Privacy & Confidentiality Agreement
  3. Faculty of Health Sciences Workspace Request Form
  4. TD1 Federal and Provincial Tax Credit forms can be found in the Forms and Resources section of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Finance site under "Service: Payroll".
  5. If you are a permanent resident, you must submit a scanned copy of both sides of your permanent resident card.

All forms should be submitted as individual PDFs (either scanned or electronically signed; photographs will not be accepted) to fhsug@sfu.ca with Subject "HSCI XXX - Sessional Appointment " by the appointment acceptance deadline indicated in your offer email.

Pay advice notices & tax receipts

Pay advices, T4s and T4As are available online at 

BC College Pension Plan (BCCPP)

Visit BCCPP Enrollment for Sessional Instructors for information including forms to complete and option to opt out. For further information about BCCPP, please visit their website at . The contains valuable information to help you learn more about plan membership and your pension. 

BC Employment Standards Act (ESA)

 provides employers and employees with guidelines to ensure the consistent and legal application of employment practices and employee rights. Refer to the ESA website and  for facts and procedural information. Note that certain clauses in Collective Agreements will supersede language in the ESA and vice versa.

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FIPPA)

As per provincial FIPPA legislation and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV policies, all university-based electronic communication, in particular with students, should be made with your ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV-issued e-mail address. At and subsequent to your appointment, personal information will be collected under the general authority of the University Act (R.S.B.C. 1996, c468) and the relevant University policies and agreements governing academic appointments. Such information is directly related to, and needed by, the University for salary and benefits administration, performance review, research and statistical purposes. The information will be used in meeting any external reporting requirements as well as any internal needs for the effective governance of the university in accordance with British Columbia's FIPPA legislation (R.S.B.C. 1996, c165). Questions regarding the collection and use of this information should be directed to the Coordinator of Information and Privacy. 

Copyright Compliance 

Please be advised that ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Policy R30.04 Copyright Compliance and Administration describes how the University manages its rights and obligations under Canada’s copyright law when copyright protected works in any media are used for a bona fide university teaching, learning, research and administrative purpose. The policy specifies what support and service the University will provide and the persons with responsibilities under the policy including employees and students. Please familiarize yourself with this policy and note your rights and responsibilities under it. You can view the policy and related information and resources on the University Library's copyright website.

Further information

Further information can be found on the following pages: