Current Courses
This instructor is currently not teaching any courses.
Courses Taught
Graduate courses
Faculty of Education at 間眅埶AV:
- Advanced Field Studies in Educational Practice (EDPR 521, EDPR 528, EDPR 503)
- Fieldwork (EDUC 904)
- Seminar in the history of educational thought (EDUC 901)
- Interdisciplinary seminar in contemporary educational theory (EDUC 902)
- Advanced seminar in epistemology and education (EDUC 922)
- Seminar in moral philosophy and education (EDUC 833)
- Philosophical issues in classroom practices (EDUC 821)
- Seminar in epistemology and education (EDUC 836)
- Seminar in philosophy and educational theory (EDUC 831)
- Socio-cultural perspective: Identity and education (EDUC 856)
- Research designs (EDUC 864)
Graduate Liberal Studies at 間眅埶AV:
- LS 810: Words and Worlds
- LS 813: Engaging the Ground & Following the Breaths; Everyday Enlightenment;
- University of British Columbia, Educational Studies
- Moral philosophy and education (EDST 593)
Undergraduate courses (間眅埶AV):
- Introduction to Education (EDUC 100)
- Multicultural education (EDUC 441)
- Philosophical Issue in Curriculum (EDUC 433)
- Ethical issues in education (EDUC 437), both on-campus and online
- Introduction to philosophy of education (EDUC 230), both on-campus and online.
- Undergraduate Semester in Dialogue (DIAL 390/391/392): (in Fall 2011)
Professional development program courses (間眅埶AV):
- Introduction to classroom teaching (EDUC 401)
- Studies of educational theory and practice (EDUC 402)
Supervisor of teaching assistants (TAs) (間眅埶AV):
Mostly for Introduction to philosophy of education (EDUC 230) when it is taught in-person by Dr. Bai.
Supervisor of online education course tutor markers (TMs) (間眅埶AV):
I authored and set-up the online curricular of EDUC 230, 252, 352, and 437, complete with instructional texts. I have supervised a large number of TMs for these courses.
Supervisor of research assistants (間眅埶AV):
I have supervised a great many PhD and a few MA students who worked as my research assistants.
Supervisor of journal editorial assistants (間眅埶AV):
Between 2006 and 2009, I was Editor for Paideusis: Journal of Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, during which period I hired in total five PhD students as journal editorial assistants with 間眅埶AV publication grants.
- New course or course content development:
- designed and developed EDUC 252 and EDUC 352 as Online courses.
- developed new curriculum, and based on it, taught several courses for 間眅埶AVs Field Programs new masters program and Graduate Diploma program in Education: themes and topics treated are self-regulation and social-emotional well-being, trauma-informed teaching and holistic education, etc. in the classroom.
- designed and developed EDUC 437 and EDUC 230 as Online courses.
- I developed two new doctoral seminar courses: EDUC 921 (Seminar in philosophy and educational theory) and EDUC 922 (Advanced seminar in epistemology and education).
- I developed and taught several courses with new course content for the Graduate Liberal Studies Masters Program at 間眅埶AV: LS 810, LS 813, LS 819.
- I have also designed and taught a summer intensive course (2013) for Vancouver School of Theology, entitled, Ways of reconciliation: Practice in Brahmaviharas.
Program development:
I was the lead program designer for the Philosophy of Education Stream under Curriculum Theory and Implementation (approved by Faculty and Senate in 2006) in collaboration with cognate colleagues, Ann Chinnery, Charles Bingham, and Sean Blenkinsop. This new stream has been in continuous operation since 2007.
I designed and developed, in collaboration with Dr. Laurie Anderson, MEd program in Contemplative Inquiry under Curriculum and Instruction. This program was approved by Faculty in 2013. It has been offered five times so far.
Dr. Stephen Smith and I led a program revision for Curriculum Theory and Implementation (CT&I), supported by my CT&I colleagues. Our proposed revision had been approved by the Faculty and by Senate Graduate Studies Committee, and was implemented in Fall 2017. The revised program is named Educational Theory and Practice (eTAP) and has both Philosophy of Education stream and Curriculum and Pedagogy stream.