Refereed Plenary Presentations
Bai, H. (2016, October). Towards enlightenment: Buddhism's contribution to common good through establishing contemplative culture. 12th International Nuremberg Forum in Public Theology, Religion, Education: Interreligious Perspectives. Friedrich-Alexander Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Philosophishe Fakultat und Fachbereich Theologie, Nuremberg, Germany.
Bai, H. (2011). Moral Education as InnerOuter Environmental Education: Asian Philosophical Contribution. The Association for Moral Education, International Conference, Nanjing, China.
Bai, H., Culham, T., Park, S., Rabi, S., Scott, C., Tait, S. & Cohen, A. (2011, July). Classroom as alchemical container: Educator as alchemist. The Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education, Regional Conference at Whidbey Institute, Clinton, WA.
Bai, H. & Beck, K., (2011). Dare to care. BC TEAL (BC Teachers of English as an Additional Language) 43rd Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Bai, H. (2008). One world, ready or not: Challenges and promises of cosmopolitanism. The Korean Philosophy of Education Society Annual Meeting, Seoul, Korea.
Smithrim, K., R. Luce-Kapler, R. Irwin & Bai, H. (2003). The Work of Arts in Curriculum Studies. Annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, Halifax, NS.
Bai, H. (2002). Astonishing silence. Northwest Philosophy of Education Societys annual meeting, Vancouver, BC.
Bai, H. (1998). Autonomy reconsidered. Philosophy of Education Society, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.
Bai, H. (1996). Philosophy of education as education for philosophy. Northwest Philosophy of Education Society, Vancouver, BC, Canada.