Journal Articles
Bai, H., Anderson, L., Scott, C. (2023). Contemplation as a quintessential educational project for our times. Holistic Education Review 3(2). Retrieved from
Bai, H., Scott, C., Campbell, C. L., Patel, J., Sun, Y., Lin, J., Bang, H., Edwards, S., Srikantaiah, D., Khoo, Y., & McHugh, D. L. (2023). Meeting the JCHE Team: A Reconstructed Interview, Journal of Contemplative and Holistic Education 1(2), 10.
Gunnlaugson, O., Cueto de Souza, R., Zhao, S., Yee, A., Scott, C., & Bai, H. (2023). Revisiting the Nature of Transformative Learning Experiences in Contemplative Higher Education. Journal of Transformative Education, 21(1), 84-101.
Bai, H., Voulgaris, M. A. & Williams, H. (2022). Waking up from delusion: Mindfulness (sati) and right mind-and-heart (bodhicitta) for educating activists. Religions 13, 363.
Bai, H. (2022). Coming to our senses: Zen and the art of ecoactivism, Environmental Education Research, 29(6), 863-874.
Bai, H., Bowering, S., Haber, J., Cohen, A. & Chang, D. (2021). From ego to eco: Re-orienting for processual ontology in the Dao-Field, Cultural Studies in Science Education.
Scott, C., Behrisch, T., Bhattacharjee, M., Grass, S. & Bai, H. (2021). Re/turning to soil: Becoming one-bodied with the earth. Cultural Studies in Science Education.
Bai, H., Berry, K., Haber, J. & Cohen, A. (2021). Dancing with non-duality for healing through the shadows of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Frontiers in Education, Educational Psychology.
Bai, H. (2020). A critical reflection on environmental education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 54(4), 916-926.
Zhao, S., Chang, D., Miyakawa, M. & Bai, H. (2019). Critical care of creationism. Cultural Studies of Science Education, 14(1),1-12. .
Cohen, A. & Bai, H. (2019). Eastern wisdom, inner work, and aging: A contribution to second wave positive psychology. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 32(3-4).
Bai, H., Miyakawa, M., & Scott, C. (2018). Recalibration of post modernism with earth in mind. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 50(14), 1387-1388.
Bai, H. (1999). Decentering the ego-self and releasing of the care-consciousness. Paideusis, 12(2), 7-17.
Bai, H. (1998). Autonomy reconsidered. In S. Tozer (Ed.), Philosophy of Education 1998, 95101.
Bai, H. (1998). Philosophy of holistic education. Journal of Practical Research in Holistic Education, 2(1), 145-149. (Note: this is a Korean journal, and my article is in Korean.)
Bai, H. (1997). Ethics and aesthetics are one: The case of Zen aesthetics. Canadian Review of Art Education, 24(2), 37-52.
Bai, H., Cohen, A., Miyakawa, M. & Falkenberg, T. (2018). Mindfulness for adulting. Learning: Research and Practice, 4(1), 14-28.
Long, T., Bazin, D. & Bai, H. (2017). Environmental ethics as applied to outdoor physical practices: An analysis through the lens of Hans Jonas. Sports, Ethics, and Philosophy, DOI: 10.1080/17511321.2017.1341949
Bai, H., Cohen, A. & Park, S. (2016). Classroom as dojo: Contemplative teaching and learning as martial art. The Journal of Contemplative Inquiry, 3(1), 113-131.
Bai, H., Chang, D. & Cohen, A. (2016). When the immeasurable leads: A pedagogical dialogue. Challenging Organisations and Society: Reflective Hybrids, 5(2), 988-999.
Chang, D., & Bai, H. (2016). Self-with-other in teacher practice: A case study through care, Aristotelian virtue, and Buddhist ethics. Ethics and Education, 0(0), 1-12.
Eppert, C., Vokey, D., Nguyen, T. & Bai, H. (2015). Intercultural philosophy and the nondual wisdom of basic goodness: Implications for contemplative and transformative education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, 49(2), 274293.
Bai, H., Eppert, C., Scott, C, *Tait, S. & *Nguyen, T. (2014). . Studies in Philosophy of Education.
Bai, H. & Cohen, A. (2014). Zen and the art of storytelling. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 33, 3. doi: 10.1007/s11217-014-9413-8
Bai, H. (Ed.) (2014). Working Compassion, 2-4 [Special Issue]. Paideusis: The Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 21(2).
Bai, H. (2013). Peace with the Earth: Animism and contemplative ways. Cultural Studies of Science Education, CSSE, 2, 8. doi: 10.1007/s11422-013-9501-z. (M. P. Mueller & D. A. Greenwood (Eds.), Special Issue of CSSE on Ecological mindfulness and cross-hybrid learning.
Bai, H. (2012). Reclaiming our moral agency through healing: A call to moral, social, environmental activists. Journal of Moral Education, 41(3), 311328.
Broom, C. & Bai, H. (2011). Exploring service learning pedagogy as citizenship development. Journal of Global Citizenship and Equity Education, 1(1), 4459.
Bai, H. & Scott, C. (2011). The primacy of consciousness in education: A role for contemplative practices in education. The Korean Journal of Philosophy of Education, 33(4), 129145.
Culham, T. & Bai, H. (2011). Emotional intelligence meets virtue ethics: Implications for educators. Journal of Thought.
McEwan, H. & H. Bai. (Eds.) (2010). Dialogue and difference, 1-4 [Special issue]. Paideusis: The Journal of Canadian Philosophy of Education, 19(1).
Cohen, A., Porath, M. & Bai, H. (2010). Exceptional educators: Investigating Dimensions of their practice. Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, 4(2). Retrieved from
Bai, H., Elza, D., Kovacs, P. & Romanycia, S. (2010). Re-searching and re-storying the complex and complicated relationship of biophilia and bibliophilia. Environmental Education Research, 16(3), 351365.
Bai, H., Donald, B. & Scott, C. (2009). Contemplative pedagogy and revitalization of teacher education. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 55(3), 319334.
Bai, H. & Scutt, G. (2009). Touching the earth with the heart of enlightened mind: A Buddhist practice of mindfulness for environmental education. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 14, 92106.
Bigdeli, S. & Bai, H. (2009). Triunal model of anxiety and its application to anxiety reduction in learning and teaching environments. TESL Canada Journal, 27(1), 103114.
Bai, H. (2008). Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and right doing . . . Complicity. An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 5(1), 109114. Retrieved from
Cohen, A., Bai, H. & Green L. (2008). An experiment in radical pedagogy: Enactment of deep democracy in a philosopher's cafe. Radical Pedagogy, 9(2).
Cohen, A. & Bai, H. (2007). Dao and Zen of teaching: Classroom as enlightenment field. Educational Insights, 11(3). Retrieved from
Cohen, A. & Bai, H. (2008). Suffering loves and needs company: Daoist and Zen perspectives on the counselor as companion. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 42(1), 4556.
Bai, H. & Banack, H. (2006). To see a world in a grain of sand: Complexity and moral education. Complicity: An international Journal of Complexity and Education, 3(1), 520. Retrieved from
Bai, H. (2006). Philosophy for education: Cultivating human agency, Paideusis, 15(1), 719. Retrieved from
Bai, H. (2004). The three Is for ethics as an everyday activity: Integration, intrinsic valuing, and intersubjectivity. Canadian Journal of Environmental Education, 9, 5164.
Bai, H. (2003). Learning from Zen arts: A lesson in intrinsic valuation. Journal of the Canadian Association for Curriculum Studies, 1(2), 114. Retrieved from
Bai, H. (2003). The stop: The practice of reanimating the universe within and without. Educational Insights, 8(2). Retrieved from
Bai, H. (2002). Zen and the art of intrinsic perception: A case of haiku. Canadian Review of Art Education, 28(1), 124.
Bai, H. (2001). Challenge for education: Learning to value the world intrinsically. Encounter, 14(1), 416.