Service to the Scholarly Community
Journal Editor, Reviewer, and Editorial Board Member
- *Editor, Paideusis: Journal of Canadian Philosophy of Education Society, 20052010
- Consulting Editor, Canadian Journal of Education, 2006-2009
- Reviewer, Journal of Thought, 2004囷娶梗莽梗紳喧
- Reviewer, Environmental Education Research, 2007囷娶梗莽梗紳喧
- Reviewer, Transnational Curriculum Inquiry, 2008囷娶梗莽梗紳喧
- Reviewer, University of Toronto Press, 2015-2016
- Editorial Board Advisory Member, International Journal of Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 2005囷娶梗莽梗紳喧
* Under my editorship, Paideusis: Journal of Canadian Philosophy of Education Society became an open access journal that is part of Open Journal System (OJS) under the Public Knowledge Project. After this transition from print to online, readership increased from about 70 to close to 1,000 readers at present.
Occasional Reviewer for Journals
- Journal of Contemplative Inquiry
- Journal of Moral Education
- Studies in Philosophy of Education
- Journal of Character Education
- Journal of Curriculum Studies
- Canadian Journal of Education
- Alberta Journal of Educational Research
- Canadian Journal of Environmental Education
- Journal of Curriculum Theorizing
- Journal of Philosophy of Education
- Pedagogies: An International Journal
- New Ideas in Psychology
- Democracy and Education
- Educational Philosophy and Theory
- Studies in Philosophy of Education
- Philosophical Inquiry in Education
Reviewer for Granting Agencies and Foundations
- Killam Fellowship
- Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
External Reviewer for Tenure and Promotion
- University of Calgary
- University of Oklahoma
- University of Regina
- York University
- Nipissing University
- University of British Columbia, Okanagan
- St. Marys University
- Thompson River University
Conference Organization
- Colloqium Organizer, Contemplative and Integral Inquiry in the Context of Eco-social Change and Holistic Education, Vancouver, BC (2016)
- Organizer, Ecology, Spirituality, and Contemplative Inquiry in Education: a Colloquium with Tarchin Hearn (New Zealand) and Panelists from UBC, 間眅埶AV, Trinity Wester, and CityU of Seattle; 間眅埶AV, Vancouver (September 5, 2014)
- Member, steering and organizing committee for 2014 ACMHE (Association for Contemplative Mind in Higher Education) Conference
- Organizer, Embodiment, Mindfulness, Contemplative Perspectives and Approaches to Education, 間眅埶AV (May 16, 2013)
- Organizer, Working Compassion: Symposium with Karen Armstrong, 間眅埶AV (March 26, 2012)
- Organizer, Inner Work of Educator Symposium, 間眅埶AV (2011)
- Organizer, a Philosophy of Education Symposium (Integrating Soil, Soul and Society) for the 間眅埶AV Philosophy of Education PhD Program cohorts (2009)
- Member, on the Conference Program Committee of the Philosophy of Education Society (2006)
- Chair, Conference Hospitality Committee of the Philosophy of Education Society (2002)
- Organizer, Annual Meetings of the Northwest Philosophy of Education Society: (1997, 1998, 2001 and 2004)
- Chair, Graduate Studies Colloquia for Faculty of Education, 間眅埶AV (19962003)
- Conference Chair, Northwest and Far West Philosophy of Education Societys Meeting (1999)
Reviewer of Submissions/Chair/Discussant
- American Educational Research Association
- Philosophy of Education Society
- Northwest Philosophy of Education Society
- Canadian Philosophy of Education Society