
FAQ's for EASC Ugrads

For additional information about our program, the Earth Sciences' general office is located on the 7000 level of the (TASC1 7201). Feel free to drop by to set-up an appointment or you can contact the Academic Advisor, Tarja Vaisanen directly.


I have questions about undergraduate admission to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV - where should I go for help?

Contact Student Recruitment and ¶¡ÏãÔ°AVs at  

What are the admission requirements for high school or college/university transfer students?I have questions about undergraduate admission to ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV - where should I go for help?

All students must meet the University admission requirements and the Faculty of Science’s admission requirements.  Visit for more information


Who can I go to for advising assistance in Earth Sciences?

Details on our Academic Advisors can be found on our website at:

Where can I get info on Science and Math Peer Turoring?

Info on Science and Math Peer Tutoring can be found at:


Undergraduate Programs

What programs are available in the Department of Earth Sciences?

Details on our Undergraduate Program can be found on our website at:

How do I declare my Major?

Contact the EASC Advisor, Tarja Vaisanen, to declare your Major. Arrange an appointment by email at tvaisane@sfu.ca.

Students completing a joint Chemistry / Earth Sciences Major, must obtain approval from both Programs.  Contact the Chemistry Advisor, Evon Khor at chemadv@sfu.ca or 778.782.5995

What are the "Streams" in the Earth Sciences' Program?How do I declare my Major?

There are three streams, Geology, Environmental Geosciences and Open.   The Geology Stream and the Environmental Geoscience Stream are designed to permit a student to enrol as a geologist or environmental geoscientist respectively, with Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (formerly APEGBC), the governing body that regulates geoscience practice in BC.

All students intending to practice as a geoscientist in BC must be licensed by APEGBC, and are strongly advised to pursue one of these two streams.

The Open Stream is an option for those not wanting to pursue professional registration.  Regardless of the stream  you are interested in, please contact an EASC Advisor to get further information on which option is right for you.

When do I declare my Stream?

You can declare at the beginning of your studies.

Careers in Earth Sciences

What are some of the careers in Earth Sciences? And where can I get more information?

There are a wide array of exciting and well-paying careers available to those pursuing an Earth Sciences' degree.  You can also check out our "Prospective Students" and "Careers" pages for more info and links

What does a Geoscientist do?

Check out Geoscientists Canada's "

Why become a P.Geo?

Check out Geoscientists Canada's "

Course Enrollment/Registration

How do I enroll in courses?

Please visit /students/enrollment/enroll.html for information on how to enroll in courses.  All question pertaining to how to use SIS/go¶¡ÏãÔ°AV should be directed to the SIS/go¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Team:

   Email: reginfo@sfu.ca
   Phone: 778.782.6930
   Live Help

I need help with registering in an EASC course.  Whom do I contact?

The Undergraduate Advisor at tvaisane@sfu.ca or 778.782.4779

I have the prerequisite(s) for the course for which I wish to register but the systems tell me I don’t.  Why?

Unless otherwise stated, all of our courses require a minimum grade of C- for all prerequisites.

If you are a second degree student from outside ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV, none of the courses taken outside of ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV are entered into your record, consequently, the system does not recognise any of the prerequisite course(s).  In this case, you will need to contact the Advisor.


Where can I find EASC course outlines?

- Current semester outlines are located at

- Archived outlines are located at

Directed Reading

What is a Directed Readings?

EASC 491(1), 492 (2) and 493 (3) are courses in the program set aside for Directed Readings.  Advanced level students interested in an in-depth study of a subject not covered or not fully covered by an existing course may approach a faculty member to request supervision in a Directed Readings course.  While most of these courses will work towards a large research paper, the precise details of the course will vary by instructor and subject.  

If there is an area of the Earth Sciences a student would like to study in greater depth, the student should approach an instructor with expertise in that area (generally or specifically) to see if this can be accommodated. 

The workload expected in a Directed Readings course is normally 30-40 hours per credit.  It is understood that the majority of this time will be spent by the student undertaking independent reading and preparing assignments, which can include written work (e.g., short or more extensive reviews) and oral presentations.  Regular contact between students and their instructors throughout the semester is encouraged and expected.

Internal Transfer

I am currently in a different Faculty or Program.  Can I transfer to Earth Sciences?

Yes! - See Faculty of Science Advising website for information on Internal Transfer.

Program Completion and Graduation

I am ready to graduate, should I meet with an Advisor?

Yes !  If you expect to be graduating in the next 2-3 semester, it is strongly recommended that you meet with the Academic Advisor to review graduation requirements.

How do I submit my application to graduate?

The earliest students can apply to graduate is on the first day of classes in their graduating term. Visit  for graduation application/cancellation dates.

Graduation applications are completed in SIS (Student Information System). Visit /convocation/checklist.html for more information.

Enrollment Restrictions

Are there enrollment/seat restrictions for EASC courses?

There are priority enrollment/seat restrictions placed on all our field schools: EASC 206, EASC 306 and EASC 308.  Priority is given to EASC Majors, Minors, and Honours' students.

Remaining seats are released on open enrollment date.

Second Degree

I'm pursuing a second degree - should I see an Advisor?

Second Degree students are required to see the advisor to discuss their academic goals.  It is important that the students submit all of the transcripts from previous degree(s).  Waivers may need to be obtained from various departments prior to registration period.