
Chair's Message

Welcome to the Department of Earth Sciences!

This is one of the most exciting and critical times to be a Geoscientist! The world is at a crucial juncture requiring novel and innovative solutions to address some of societys most pressing issues. These include climate warming, a lack of critical minerals to deploy green energy technology and build an infrastructure to support it, natural hazards (earthquakes, volcanoes, landslides, tsunamis), resource security (base & precious metals, water), and sustainable and environmentally conscious resource development. As geoscientists, we are at the forefront of understanding how the Earth works, and therefore, have a fundamental role in addressing these problems. As such, our mantra is, Be a Geoscientist - Be part of the Solution!.
Undergraduate students can choose from two main streams: Environmental Geoscience and Geology. Both streams lead to professional registration with Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of British Columbia (EGBC), and exciting well-paying careers. Our undergraduate program also has a strong field component with numerous field schools and trips linked to a variety of required and optional courses.
We have an international reputation for excellence in scientific research. We continue to push the boundaries of science through our innovative and multidisciplinary approach to research. Undergraduate and graduate students have ample opportunity to be involved in this research and be mentored by our faculty, as well as engage with other researchers in academia, industry and government.
If you are interested in learning more about what we do in Earth Sciences, drop in for a visit, attend one of our seminar series on Zoom, follow us on Twitter or check out our latest News and Events!
Dr. Dan Gibson
Professor and Chair

Dr. Dan Gibson

Professor & Department Chair

TASC1 7205
tel: 778-782-7507