
Honour's Thesis

Students wishing to complete an honours in Earth Sciences must complete the following requirements (in addition to those in the ):

1. Written acknowledgement that a Faculty member(s) agrees to supervise them. If only one supervisor, a reader should be assigned.

2. Provisional thesis title

3. In consultation with supervisor(s), selection of additional upper division course credits to meet the 60 credit requirements.

4. Students must declare an Honours program before registering in EASC 499.

5. Written thesis must be submitted to the Undergraduate Chair at least two weeks prior to Thesis day.

6. In addition to the written thesis, student must give an oral presentation of their thesis results on a departmentally designated "Thesis day" as partial fulfillment of the EASC 499 requirements. The Thesis day will typically take place after the last day of classes and before the start of the exam period.

7. Presentation and completion of the thesis must be done before grades are due for the term EASC 499 is registered in.