
Courtney Onstad

Ph.D. Candidate
Earth Sciences

Areas of interest

Geoscience Communication in British Columbia: Experiential Opportunity and Educational Resource Development for K-12, the General Public, Indigenous Communities, and Industry Stakeholders

Courtney's research aims to promote, support and advance geoscience communication in British Columbia. Geoscience communication is defined as any initiative which communicates the earth sciences to an audience of non-specialists. She hope to achieve this by 1) creating geoscience educational content for students and teachers; 2) designing exhibitions and outreach resources to demonstrate various geoscience concepts at museums, fairs, conferences and field trips to mine sites, heritage sites and local geologic wonders; and 3) evaluating best practices using student’s, teacher’s and the general public’s feedback on educational resources to assess their impact. Having a society that understands basic geoscience ideas and how it relates to or impacts their everyday life is important to creating an informed and well-rounded community. Courtney also has a background in economic geology and geochemistry and has studied orogenic gold, shear zone-hosted uranium and pegmatite deposits.