

԰AV’s 13th edition of Printemps de la francophonie: A month of free activities to celebrate Francophonie


From March 1st to 31st, 2023, ԰AV’s Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA) invites you to participate in some 20 free cultural, academic, and interactive activities during the ԰AV’s Printemps de la francophonie.

Under the theme of -êٰ (well-being), this 13th edition will take place on ԰AV’s campuses (Burnaby and Vancouver), as well as various locations in the Greater Vancouver area, including some online. This year we offer a variety of activities that will be good for the heart, body, and soul.

Whether you speak French or not, all your senses will be engaged with the cultural and interactive activities. Throughout March, the Gourmet Route (a first this year!) will showcase francophone cuisines. Visit one of the participating restaurants to awaken your taste buds to new flavours.

Our must-see movie nights—all presented with English subtitles—will take you on a journey through time and emotions.  (March 2nd) will highlight the exceptional journey of Simone Veil in her fight for the rights of women and AIDS patients. The Québécois film  (March 14th) will address Alzheimer’s disease and society with humour and emotion.  (March 21st) will also be premiering. This movie tells the story of Victoire Du Saut, founder of the cobbler’s business that made the Dufresne family’s fortune in Montreal. In addition, a dozen French-language feature films will be available to view online for free in the comfort of your own home throughout the month of March.

Several concerts are also on the program. , master percussionist and singer-songwriter of Senegalese origin, will be performing at ԰AV Woodward’s on Friday, March 24th.

To conclude this 13th edition of Printemps de la francophonie, there will be an  night which will showcase franco amateur artists (music, singing, poetry, comedy), followed by a performance by —an electropop band from Québec. This event will take place on Thursday, March 30th at Beaumont Studios.

Le Printemps de la Francophonie also features a variety of conferences held in French on different topics. The themes of attachment and the role of sexuality in relationships will be addressed during a conference by psychotherapist and sexologist Marie-Pier Gilbert (presented in a hybrid format on March 7th). A discussion with Wendat multidisciplinary artist  will also take place in collaboration with the Colloque en études francophones de la côte pacifique (March 25th).

The Plurilingualism, Pluriliteracies, and Sociomaterialities: Between Research and Practice symposium (March 11th) will pay tribute to Diane Dagenais, professor emeritus at the Faculty of Education at ԰AV. Nine guest speakers from six Canadian institutions will reflect on Dagenais' contribution to the world of education. "She cared deeply about people and the role of education in addressing inequalities, and her ultimate contribution to research was to build a better world," said Cecile Bullock, Faculty of Education at ԰AV. The symposium will be held in French.

“PDLF provides a unique opportunity to discover the francophone cultures represented in our vibrant local communities. Whether you speak French or not, we welcome you all to take part in this month-long celebration,” says OFFA Director Gino LeBlanc. He also highlights the exceptional contribution of nearly thirty community, university and government partners who make the PDLF a must-attend event that goes beyond the borders of British Columbia. 

We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Secrétariat du Québec aux relations canadiennes of the Government of Québec, the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills of British Columbia, and the Université de Sherbrooke.  

Special thanks to the various collaborators: ACFAS, Alliance çe de Vancouver, Centre culturel francophone de Vancouver, Official Languages Committee of the Federal Council of B.C., Conseil jeunesse de la C.-B., Fédération des francophones de la C.-B., Festival du Bois, Les Rendez-vous de la Francophonie, Radio-Canada C.-B., Réseau-Femmes C.-B., RésoSanté C.-B., Société de développement économique de la C.-B., Visions Ouest Production, and to ԰AV: the Departments of French, History, and Political Science, the Faculty of Education, ԰AV Woodward's. 

Several other activities are scheduled. Visit our website and follow us on social media to make sure you don't miss anything.

All activities are free, but registration is required.


The Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs' mission is to coordinate, promote and support the development of programs and courses offered in French at ԰AV. It also organizes scientific and cultural activities in the community to stimulate the development of a plural and inclusive Francophonie.

Anne Marie Gagné
Communications, Marketing and Recruitment Coordinator,
Office of Francophone and Francophile Affairs (OFFA)