

Please have a look below where we answer your frequently asked questions. If you need more information, contact us.

How do I sign up for the program?

Email tandem@sfu.ca. Please note registration is open certain times throughout the year.

What is the time commitment?

Meeting with your partner for 1.5 hours, each session, for 8 weeks.

How many sessions are there per semester?

8 sessions equaling 8 weeks.

What do I talk to my partner about?

At each session your facilitators will have a topic on the board to refer to with guided questions. You can also talk about current events, school or everyday life.

How does the pairing system work?

We match you up with a person that can teach the language you want to learn and wants to learn the language you are able to teach.

Where do the sessions take place?

Online through video conferencing.

More questions?

Contact: tandem@sfu.ca.