
Camila Dilli

Visiting Faculty and Guimarães Rosa Reader
World Languages and Literatures
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences


In her over 18 years as a language teacher in countries in Scandinavia, North and South America, Camila Dilli teaches Portuguese fostering proficiency development through language use. Her pedagogical approach is oriented by social embeddedness and intercultural dialogs. She is the proud author of language and teacher education (online) courses, including courses based on project pedagogy that engage with external communities, such as ‘Storytelling in Portuguese for Speakers of Other Languages’ and ‘Reading and Writing Course at University for Indigenous Students’. Camila Dilli flirts with literary writing and oral storytelling performances. As part of her career, she conducted research in the area of Applied Linguistics on task-based teaching and assessment, language and literacy affirmative actions, and design of (online) language and academic literacy teaching materials and curricula.


Future courses may be subject to change.