
What previous students say

James Smith, University and Career Counsellor at West Point Grey Academy, Vancouver, German 202, spring 2006: 

After finishing my degree in English at 間眅埶AV, I went on to complete a MA in the History of Art at UC Berkeley. I studied new media and contemporary art. This program required proficiency in two languages other than English related to one's field of study--my languages were French and German. The German I learned at 間眅埶AV allowed me to pass the German proficiency test for my department which required translation of a scholarly text from German to English.                  

Kelly Donaldson, Global eCommerce company, German 300, fall 2017:

Since graduating I spent 4 years working for a global eCommerce company and found it useful for helping with German translations and speaking with clients. For getting into the MBA program they really look for international experience so having the German Certificate was a big benefit.

Kira Woldring, Teacher, Comox Valley area, German 300, fall 2013: 

I have had the chance to use my German at work as a teacher, when I was working as an ELL teacher and I had the opportunity to work with exchange students from Germany. Also, this year, as my partner and I have started hosting international homestay students and one of the students who we hosted this year is from Germany多aving a working knowledge of the basics has helped me connect with and support our homestay student and with the other students I have worked with over the years."                                       


Emma Roberts, Howling Bluff Winery Manager, German 103, fall 2017: 

I work in the wine industry, so in some ways my understanding of the German language has helped me in my career. Including the pronunciation of various grape varietals, and the ability to connect with those in the industry in German speaking areas. For example, while visiting various wineries in Europe and while connecting with various companies like the Riedel glassware company.