

M.Sc. and Ph.D. Defences

Below is the schedule of upcoming defences for graduate students in the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. If you wish to attend, please email statgrad at sfu.ca.

Summer 2024

Date Time Location Degree Speaker Title / Abstract Link


14 2:00pm Zoom M.Sc. Quinn Forzley Exploring Spatio-Temporal Heterogeneity and Correlation in COVID-19 Associated Follow-Up Visits and Events
14 10:30am LIB 7200 M.Sc. Sashini Darshani Silva Fransisku Hettige Strong orthogonal arrays of strength 2+ with better two-dimensional projection properties
13 10:30am LIB 7200 M.Sc. Lu Tan
Integration of pre-trained large language model and knowledge graph embedding into topic modeling with latent Dirichlet allocation
12 10:30am ASB 10920 M.Sc. Niwanthi Muthukuda Arachchilage Annealed Sequential Monte Carlo with Adaptive Multiple-Try Metropolis Kernel and Applications to Disease Transmission Models
1 10:00am LIB 7200 & Zoom Ph.D. Maggie (Meng) Sun
Advancements in Cyber Risk Management: a Comprehensive Statistical Modeling and Analysis of Data Breaches with Applications in Cyber Insurance


15 9:30am LIB 2020 & Zoom M.Sc. Zhi Yuh Ou Yang Joint modelling of longitudinal and survival data


26 9:30am Zoom M.Sc. Nadia Enhaili Improving Healthcare Policies Using Reinforcement Learning on Patterns of Service Utilization
25 9:15am Zoom Ph.D. Yuping Yang Dimension Reduction for Functional Data and Hypothesis Testing for Ordinary Differential Equation Models


29 10:00am HAL 123 & Zoom M.Sc. Tianxing Yan Dependence modeling for heavy-tailed multi-peril insurance losses
27 1:00pm LIB 7200 & Zoom
Ph.D. Sidi Wu Neural Networks for Functional and Survival Data
15 10:00am LIB 2020 & Zoom Ph.D. Lulu Guo Evaluating Treatment Efficacy in Randomized Controlled Trials with Treatment Noncompliance and Multivariate Outcomes

Spring 2024

Date Time Location Degree Speaker Title / Abstract Link


22 10:00am LIB 2020 & ZOOM
M.Sc. Quang Vuong
The performance of annealed sequential Monte Carlo sampling as a joint variable selection and parameter estimation method in the linear (mixed) model setting
9 9:00am Zoom
M.Sc. Diksha Jethnani Analysis of rare variants in the first exon of the ataxin-2 gene in patients with neurodegenerative diseases


29 11:30am LIB 2020 & Zoom
Ph.D. Yanjun Liu
A Multiscale Stochastic Cellular Automaton Model for Dispersion Process with Applications to Mountain Pine Beetle Infestations
21 1:30pm LIB 2020 M.Sc. Yirong Zhu
Enhanced Hierarchical Bayesian Modeling of Mortality Rates Incorporating Jumps: A Multi-Country Perspective
15 2:30pm LIB 2020 M.Sc. Yiting Chen
A new class of depth-based statistics with same attractor
13 2:00pm Zoom M.Sc. Yueyang Han Testing the Effectiveness of Treatment for Cancers for which the Endpoint is Survival Using Bayesian Subgroup Analysis
13 1:00pm Hybrid M.Sc. Nikhil Kapoor Impact of Asset Modeling Choices on Lifetime Pension Pools

Fall 2023

Date Time Location Degree Speaker Title / Abstract Link


19 10:00am Hybrid Ph.D. Payman Nickchi
Linkage fine-mapping on sequences from case-control studies and Goodness-of-fit tests based on empirical distribution function for general likelihood model
18 10:30am Zoom M.Sc. Gurashish Bagga Offensive and defensive penalties on score differentials and drive outcomes in the NFL
18 2:30pm Hybrid M.Sc. Rina Wang
The Application of Categorical Embedding and Spatial-Constraint Clustering Methods in Nested GLM Model
6 1:00pm LIB 2020 M.Sc. David (Liwei) Lai
An Exploration of a Testing Procedure for the Aviation Industry


29 9:00am Hybrid M.Sc.
Teng-Wei Lin
Forecasting the trajectories of Southern Resident Killer Whales with stochastic continuous-time movement models


23 10:00am Hybrid Ph.D. Nirodha Epasinghege Dona
Big Data Applications in Genetics and Sports
6 1:00pm Zoom M.Sc. Kim Kroetch Inverse Ensemble Forecasting for COVID Outbreaks


22 9:30am Hybrid M.Sc. Summer Shan An application of the James-Stein Estimation Method in Modeling of Mortality Rates
7 9:30am Hybrid Ph.D. William Ruth
Computationally Intensive Statistical Methods for the Analysis of Infectious Disease Outbreaks