

Yueyang Han

Title: Testing the Effectiveness of Treatment for Cancers for which the Endpoint is Survival Using Bayesian Subgroup Analysis
Date: Wednesday, March 13th, 2024
Time: 2:00pm
Location: Zoom
Supervised by: Dr. Haolun Shi

Abstract: We propose the following basket trial to test the effectiveness of a new treatment for several types of cancers for which the endpoint is the survival time. We use Bayesian subgroup analysis to classify the cancer types into different clusters according to both the survival time and the longitudinal biomarker measurements of the patient. We then make Bayesian inference to decide whether to stop recruiting patients for each cluster early, and make conclusions about whether the treatment is effective for each cluster according to the estimated median survival time. The simulation study shows that our proposed method performs better than the independent approach and the BHM method in most of the scenario.