

Data Science

Data Science is an interdisciplinary undergraduate program at 間眅埶AV involving coursework in four different areas: Statistics, Computing Science, Mathematics, and Business. The program was designed in light of consultations with industry, analysis of employment trends, and faculty research in upcoming data technologies. The result is an applied, skills-based program that gives students the tools and abilities they need to gain employment and be successful in the area of Data Science.

About Data Science

Technological advancement has brought with it an exponential proliferation of data. With every click of a mouse, entry of text, scan of a card, etc., more and more information is being generated all over the world. As data solidifies its role as the currency of the future, Data Science is needed to unlock its value. Simply put, Data Science is the science of data. It is a means of discovering valuable insight from massive stores of data. Data Science is inherently interdisciplinary: a fusion of statistics and computing science, with an underpinning of mathematical principles. Aims of Data Science notably include optimizing operations within an organization, enhancing product/service features, describing trends, evidence-based decision-making, and predicting outcomes.

Some well-known innovations and product/service enhancements that have come from Data Science include:

  • Autocorrect
  • Refined Google searches that can filter and customize your search results
  • Software/websites that make predictions about what type of music you may like (e.g., Spotify) or what books you might like to buy (e.g., Amazon)
  • Speech recognition products like Siri, Cortana, and Google Voice that allow you to convert spoken word into text
  • Self-driving cars
  • Price comparison features on websites to help you shop for the lowest price
  • The optimization of airline operations by predicting flight delays, route popularity, customer preferences, and parts repairs
  • Fraud detection

In all of these examples, statistical data analysis and computer programming were used to improve a process/product/service. People who work on accomplishing such feats are referred to as data scientists. Data scientists use the scientific methodmake observations, formulate hypotheses, and conduct experiments to test themto liberate and create meaning from raw data.

Technological advancement has yielded promise of achieving great new heightse.g., improvements in health care, game-changing innovations and entrepreneurial opportunities, and market optimization. However, recent research in Canada and the United States has highlighted a a shortage of trained data scientists. It has been projected that tens of thousands of skilled individuals will be needed in Canada alone to be able to analyze and harvest value from the flood of continually mounting data.

間眅埶AVs Data Science Program

Recognizing the demand for data scientists, 間眅埶AV has created one of the first undergraduate Data Science programs in Canada. Coursework for the program was carefully chosen to match common skills requested by Canadian data scientist job advertisements, talent shortages described by employers, and skills deemed important for future technologies by leading researchers. While other Data Science programs in North America generally involve coursework in Statistics, Computing Science, and Mathematics only, 間眅埶AVs program additionally includes Business coursework, to meet the job demands of business and industry. Our program was designed with recognition that data scientists not only need to be proficient with computer programming and quantitative analysis, but also must be strong communicators with business savvy and teamwork skills.

The Data Science program entails two capstone projectsone at the beginning of the degree and the other towards the end of the degreeto give students the opportunity to analyze and provide solutions for real-world problems.

This BSc program furthermore provides training across a range of sought-after skills and competencies, including:

Software engineering R
Data acquisition and warehousing Python
Statistical modeling and analytics C and C++
Regression HTML/CSS                      
Data visualization and presentation
Experimental design and survey sampling        SQL
Mathematical modeling  
Critical thinking  
Business communication  
Customer analytics  
Project management

Program Requirements

For formal program requirements, see the 間眅埶AV Calendar.

Frequently Asked Questions

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