



Area of Research

Email Address

School of Engineering Science
Computational anatomy, non-rigid registration of medical images, shape analysis, statistical atlas of anatomical shapes, parallel computing applications to medical image computing mfbeg at sfu.ca
McCandless, Lawrence 
Faculty of Health Sciences
Bayesian statistics, statistical methods for epidemiology, causal inference in observational studies, confounding bias, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, hierarchical modelling mccandl at sfu.ca
School of Computing Science
Data science, data mining, big data analytics, data management, data economics jpei at cs.sfu.ca
School of Computing Science
Machine learning for structured data, computational logic, computational game theory oschulte at cs.sfu.ca
Tupper, Paul
Department of Mathematics
Stochastic Differential Equations, Diversities, and Cognitive Science
pft3 at sfu.ca
Faculty of Health Sciences
Missing data analysis, eHealth and mhealth, combining social and health behaviour data from multiple sources, statistical methods for disclosure control
xiehuix at sfu.ca