
New Special Issue: Technology, Aging, and Mental Health

May 09, 2024

collaborated with the  to produce a new special issue on technology, aging and mental health. 間眅埶AV STAR Institute's Director Dr. Andrew Sixsmith was the series editor, along with Dr. Theodore Cosco. STAR provided project management support. 

Journal of Aging and Mental Health Special Issue: Technology, Aging, and Mental Health: Opportunities and Challenges
Technology-based solutions for mental health may help older adults to remain happy, healthy, and independent, while reducing demands on healthcare services. However, the primary focus of AgeTech has been on physical health conditions, while the application of technology to support the mental health and well-being of older adults has received much less attention.This special issue represents a benchmark publication on mental health and AgeTech and is relevant to an interdisciplinary community of researchers. The 10 papers cover a wide range of topics and geographic spread, and taken together have important implications for policy-makers and research funders.

This special issue can be found .

The free-access editorial, written by Drs Andrew Sixsmith and Theodore Cosco, outlines the topics addressed by the various papers, as well as highlighting the wider implications for the AgeTech sector.

The editors would like to acknowledge  for their funding support for this special issue.