

T: 604-783-7192
E: andrew_sixsmith@sfu.ca
Office: Harbour Centre, Room 2800

Andrew Sixsmith

Professor | Director of the  | Network Advisor of

Andrew Sixsmith, PhD is a Professor in the Department of Gerontology at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV and is Director of at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. He was the Scientific Director of ) between 2015-2020 and the Associate Scientific Director between 2020-2022. He is now an AGE-WELL Network Advisor. Dr. Sixsmith was past President of the International Society of Gerontechnology from 2014-16 and was previously Director of the Gerontology Research Centre and Deputy Director of the IRMACS Centre at ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV. His research interests include technology for independent living, theories and methods in aging and understanding the innovation process. His work has involved him in a leadership and advisory role in numerous major international research projects and initiatives with academic, government and industry partners. He received his doctorate from the University of London and was previously a lecturer at the University of Liverpool in the Institute of Human Ageing and Department of Primary Care.


  • PhD, Geography, King's College London
  • MA, Geography, University of Keele
  • BA Joint Hons., Geography and American Studies, University of Keele


Technology for independent living; theories and methods in aging and understanding the innovation process; technologies to connect people; technology policy and the digital divide

Current/Selected Grants

Contract/Grant: Operating Grant    Awarded: 2022    Period: 2022 - 2024

Project Title: Cognitive Effects of Individualized Lifestyle Interventions in Typical Ageing
Funding: Mitacs Accelerate   Type: External    Total: $160,000
Involvement: Principal Investigator   

Contract/Grant: Operating Grant    Awarded: 2021    Period: 2021 - 2023

Project Title: AGE-WELL Challenge Area Development Funding: Healthy Lifestyles and Wellness
Funding: Networks of Centres of Excellence   Type: External    Total: $57,000
Involvement: Principal Investigator   

Contract/Grant: Operating Grant    Awarded: 2021    Period: 2021 - 2023

Project Title: ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV STAR Institute-411 Seniors Research Grant - Navigation & Peer Support
Funding: 411 Seniors Centre Society   Type: External    Total: $50,000
Involvement: Principal Investigator 

Contract/Grant: Operating Grant    Awarded: 2014    Period: 2015 - 2024

Project Title: Aging Gracefully Across Environments Using Technology to Support Wellness, Engagement, and Long Life (AGE-WELL)
Funding: Networks of Centres of Excellence   Type: External   Total: $58,554,189
Involvement: Principal Investigator. Scientific Diector 2015-2020. Associate Scientific Director 2020-2024.  

Selected Publications

Peer-Reviewed Articles

  • Atoyebi, O., Wister, A., Mitchell, B., Sixsmith, A. (2019). A reformation and assessment of the Global AgeWatch Wellbeing Index: inclusion of a gender-based domain. Journal of Population Research, 36(4), 365-390.
  • Nagarajan, R N, Wada, M., Fang, M., Sixsmith, A. (2019). Defining organizational contributions to sustaining an ageing workforce: a bibliometric review. European Journal of Ageing, 1-25.
  • Lindqvist, E., PerssonVasiliou, A., Hwang, A., Mihailidis, A., Astelle, A., Sixsmith, A., NygÃ¥rd, L. (2018). The contrasting role of technology as both supportive and hindering in the everyday lives of people with mild cognitive deficits: a focus group study. BMC geriatrics, 18(1), 185.
  • Christie, J., Hamilton, T., Manor, B., Farb, N., Farzan, F., Sixsmith, A., Temprado, J., Moreno, S. (2017). Do Lifestyle Activities Protect Against Cognitive Decline in Aging? A Review. Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 9.
  • Boger, J., Jackson, P., Mulvenna, M., Sixsmith, J., Sixsmith, A., Mihailidis, A., Kontos, P., Polgar, J., Grigorovich, A., Martin, S. (2017). Principles for fostering the transdisciplinary development of assistive technologies. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 480-490.
  • Sixsmith, A., Mihailidis, A., Simeonov, D. (2017). Aging and Technology: Taking the Research into the Real World. Public Policy and Aging Report, 27(2), 74-78.
  • Kaufman, D., Sauvé, L., Renaud, L., Sixsmith, A., & Mortenson, B. (2016). Digital gameplay by older adults: Patterns, benefits, and challenges. Simulation & Gaming, 1-25. DOI: 10.1177/1046878116645736.
  • Mortenson, W., Sixsmith, A., & Woolrych, R. (2015). The power (s) of observation: theoretical perspectives on surveillance technologies and older people. Ageing and Society, 35(03), 512-530.
  • Gomersall, T., Astell, A., NygÃ¥rd, L., Sixsmith, A., Mihailidis, A., Hwang, A. (2015) Living With Ambiguity: A Metasynthesis of Qualitative Research on Mild Cognitive Impairment. The Gerontologist, 2015, 1–21. DOI:10.1093/geront/gnv067 Advance Access publication August 27, 2015.
  • Sixsmith, A., Sixsmith, J., Malmgren, Fänge A., Naumann, D., Kucsera, C., Tomsone, S., Haak, M.,  Dahlin, Ivanoff, S., Woolrych, R. (2014) Healthy Ageing and Home: the Perspectives of Very Old People  in Five European Countries. Social Science and Medicine, 106, 1-9
  • Sixsmith, A., Woolrych, R., Schonnop, R., Robinovitch, S., Chaudhury, H., Feldman, F. (2013). Understanding Contextual Factors in Falls in Long-term Care Facilities. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, 14(3), 4-12. [Early cite http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=17093492].
  • Sixsmith, J., Sixsmith, A., Callender, M., Corr, S. (2012). Wartime experiences and their implications for the everyday lives of older people. Ageing and Society.
  • Sixsmith, A., Orpwood, R., Torrington, J. (2010) Developing a music player for people with dementia. Gerontechnology, 9(3), 421-427.
  • Sixsmith, A. (2020), "COVID-19 and AgeTech", Quality in Ageing and Older Adults, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. 

Books (Edited Volumes)

  • Sixsmith, A., Sixsmith, J., Mihailidis, A., Fang, M. (2020). Knowledge, Innovation, and Impact - A Guide for the Engaged Health Researcher. New York: Springer. (in press)
  • Sixsmith, A., Gutman, G. (2013) Technologies for Active Aging. New York: Springer.
  • Augusto, JC., Huch, M., Kameas, A., Maitland, J.,  McCullagh, P., Roberts, J., Sixsmith, A., Wichert, R. (2012). Handbook of Ambient Assisted Living - Technology for Healthcare, Rehabilitation and Well-being. Amsterdam: IOS Press ISBN 978-1-60750-836-6