
Mobility and Transportation

Are you concerned that your limited mobility will be a challenge during COVID-19? Community support programs, transportation services and technology are here to help you.

This website informs you about measures that BC Transit implemented in response to COVID-19 including: cleanliness efforts, fares, and physical distancing protocol. #BC

This is a program that matches seniors who need non-medical support to volunteers in their community who are willing to help. Non-medical support includes transportation to appointments. #BC

This site provides a map of Vancouver that locates designated accessible parking spaces. #Vancouver


Older adults with limited mobility can extend their expired driver's licence remotely. #BC


TransLink is operating HandyDart, a shared ride service for passengers with physical or cognitive disabilities. Fare collection has been suspended for the time-being. #BC #free-of-charge

The Better at Home program is designed to help older adults with simple day-to-day tasks, including transportation. Find your community organization that provides services . #BC

This website has been created in collaboration with TransLink, Vancouver Coastal Health, and other regional stakeholders to provide information that helps people travel in Metro Vancouver during the COVID-19 pandemic. #Metro Vancouver

Through a virtual experience, older adults with limited mobility can experience historic sites and attractions from around the world.


For more information regarding mobility and transportation