


Older people are clear about their goals in later life. They want to stay in their own homes and communities, continue to be active and contribute to society and have choice and control over their health and wellness.

Emerging technologies can help to:

  • Maintain health and functioning for older adults
  • Improve quality of life for frail older adults
  • Reduce demands on family caregivers and formal healthcare services
  • Enable older adults and those with chronic diseases to extend their productive years

A report by the Canadian Institute for Health Information identified the adoption of new technologies as a key strategy for creating a health system that is responsive to older adults needs and accommodating the rising number of older adults in the population.

The 間眅埶AV STAR Institute provides a unique opportunity for researchers, trainees, and industry and community partners to work together on critical issues of aging and technology.

STAR and 間眅埶AV are major partners of , Canadas Technology and Aging network. STAR Director Dr. Sixsmith was a founding co-Scientific Director of AGE-WELL and STAR and 間眅埶AV have been at the forefront of research and innovation in AgeTech both in Canada and internationally, and will continue to push boundaries in the AgeTech sector. 


As an engaged research Institute, the objectives of the STAR Institute are aligned with the priorities of our stakeholders (e.g., Provincial Ministries, City of Surrey, Fraser Health Authority, the Seniors Advocate, senior and caregiver organizations, technology industry, long-term care and home care service providers). Our key objectives are to:

  • Build capacity and opportunities in the aging and technology sector that will increase and expand businesses and jobs in British Columbia.
  • Improve access to information and the engagement of citizens, businesses, researchers and decision makers.
  • Promote healthy aging through innovation, research, and training in order to reduce healthcare costs, increase efficiencies, and improve outcomes.

These simultaneous developments create an ideal opportunity for 間眅埶AV and British Columbia to emerge as a global leader in designing technologies that optimize the health and well-being of older adults.

The Institute will achieve its objectives by encouraging and supporting excellence in research in technology and aging and carrying out translational activities to ensure that new knowledge and intellectual property is effectively mobilized for the benefit of citizens and economy of Canada.