

It is a privilege to engage around critical issues with a diverse group of researchers and innovators within the 間眅埶AV community in the field of aging, technology and innovation. These affiliations enrich our community and are essential to creating a strong network of committed researchers that seek to understand issues and develop solutions in the sector.

Laurie Anderson  Education
Siamak Arzanpour  
Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Lupin Battersby  Knowledge Mobilization Hub
Mirza Faisal Beg  Engineering Science
Habib Chaudury  Gerontology
Teresa Cheung  Engineering Science
  Interactive Arts and Technology
Theodore Cosco  Gerontology
Ryan D'Arcy  Engineering Science
Martin Ester  Computing Science
Faranak Farzan  Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Uwe Glasser  Computing Science
Farid Golnaraghi  Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Diane Gromala  Interactive Arts and Technology
Angelica Lim  Computing Science
Sarah Lubik  Beedie School of Business
  Beedie School of Business
Randy McIntosh  Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (BPK)
Carlo Menon  Engineering Science
Sylvain Moreno  Interactive Arts and Technology
Edward Park  Mechatronic Systems Engineering
Stephen N. Robinovitch  Biomedical Physiology and Kinesiology (BPK)
Thecla Schiphorst  Interactive Arts and Technology
Julia Smith Faculity of Health Sciences
Carolyn Sparrey  Mechatronic Systems Engineering