
Bomb threat

Bomb threats are most commonly received by telephone, by letter or online. All threats must be taken seriously and handled as though an explosive device is on campus.


  • If you receive a bomb threat by telephone, try to gather as much information as possible from the caller by asking such questions as:
    • When is the bomb going to explode?
    • Where is the bomb? What does it look like?
    • Did you place the bomb? Why?
    • Who are you and where do you live?
  • Be aware of the caller’s:
    • Voice
    • Estimated age
    • State of mind (are they calm? agitated? angry? crying?)
    • Any accent or distinguishing characteristics
  • Listen for any background sounds
  • . They may make the decision to evacuate the building, the fire alarm may be sounded and procedures will follow the building fire evacuation plan


Report all threats or suspicious persons/objects/activity to the 24/7 .