N Blomley, N Perez and A Yan (2018) Evictions in the private rental housing market in Metro Vancouver - preliminary findings
Sylvestre, M.-E., A. Duchesne-Blondin, C. Bellot, V. Fortin and N. Blomley (2018) Les conditions géographiques de mise en liberté et de probation et les personnes marginalisées à Montréal, rapport de recherche,Research report.
Sylvestre,M.-E, Nicholas Blomley, William Damon and CĂ©line Bellot, (2017). Red Zones : the use of bail and sentencing conditions to control marginalized populations in Vancouver, Research report.
Blomley, N (2022) Territory: New Trajectories in Law. Routledge
Sylvestre, Marie-Eve, Nicholas Blomley, and Celine Bellot (2020) Red zones: Criminal law and the territorial regulation of marginalized people. Cambridge University Press
Braverman, I, N Blomley, D Delaney and A Kedar Eds (2014) . Stanford University Press
Blomley N (2011) Routledge, New York
Blomley, N K (2004) . Routledge, New York
Blomley, N K, D Delaney, and R Ford, Eds. (2001) . Blackwell, Oxford
Blomley, N K (1994) Law, space, and the geographies of power, Guilford Press, New York (download intro ch1/2 ch3/4 ch5/6)
Papers and chapters
Ferencz, Sarah, Alexandra Flynn, Nicholas Blomley & Marie-Eve Sylvestre (forthcoming). Are tents a âhomeâ? Extending section 8 privacy rights for the precariously housed. McGill Law Journal.
Blomley, Nicholas and the Right to Remain Collective (2021) Making property outlaws: law and relegation. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 45 6 911-929
Blomley, N (2020) Urban commoning and the right not to be excluded, in Derya Ozkan and Guldem Bayal Buyuksarac (eds) Commoning the City. Routledge (pp 89-103)
Blomley, N (2020)' Precarious territory: Property law, housing and the social order' Antipode 52, 1, pp 26-57.
Blomley, N, Flynn, A & Sylvestre M-E (2020) 'Governing the possessions of the precariously housed: a critical legal geography' Annual Review of Law and Social Science. 16:165â81
Freeman, L and N Blomley (2019) Enacting property: making space for the public in the municipal library. Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. Vol. 37(2) 199â218
Blomley, N (2019) 'The territorialization of property in land: space, power, and practice' Territory, politics, governance. 72, 233-249.
Nicholas Blomley (2018) 'How property matters' In Maja Hojer Bruun, Patrick JL Cockburn, Bjarke Skaerlund Risager and Mikkel Thorup (eds) Contested property claims: what disagreement tells us about ownership.New York: Routledge pp. xi-xvi.
Marie-Eve Sylvestre, Francis Villeneuve MĂ©nard, VĂ©ronique Fortin, CĂ©line Bellot et Nicholas Blomley (2017) âConditions gĂ©ographiques de mise en libertĂ© et de probation imposĂ©es aux manifestants: une atteinte injustifiĂ©e aux droits Ă la libertĂ© d'expression, de rĂ©union pacifique et d'associationâ McGill Law Journal62 4 923-973.
Jordan Stanger-Ross, Nicholas Blomley & The Landscapes of Injustice Research Collective (2017) 'âThis land is worth a million dollarsâ: Property, restitution, and reductivism in the dispossession of Japanese Canadians' Law and History Review 35 3 711-751
(2017) 'Land use, planning, and 'the difficult character of property' Planning Theory and Practice, 18, 3, 351-364.
Sylvestre, Marie-Eve, CĂ©line Bellot et Nicholas Blomley, (2017) âUne peine avant jugement? La mise en libertĂ© provisoire et la rĂ©forme du droit pĂ©nal canadienâ , dans J. Desrosiers, M. Garcia et M-E. Sylvestre (eds), Criminal Law Reform in Canada : challenges and possibilities, Cowansville, Ăditions Yvon Blais, 189-228
Akin Akinwumi and Nicholas Blomley (2016) 'Governing through land: neoliberal governmentalities in the British Columbia treaty process' In Michelle Brady and Randy K Lippert (eds.) Governing practices: neoliberalism, governmentality, and the ethnographic imaginary.University of Toronto Press (pp 155-180)
(2016) 'The right to not be excluded: common property and the right to stay put' In Ash Amin and Philip Howell (eds) Releasing the commons: rethinking the futures of the commons. Routledge, pp 89-106
(2016) 'The boundaries of property: complexity, relationality, spatiality' Law and Society Review, 50 1 224-255.
Sylvestre, Marie-Eve, Nicholas Blomley, William Damon and Celine Bellot (2015) 'Court-imposed Spatial Tactics and the Politics of Legal Technicalities' Antipode 47 5 1346-1366
Ojalaami, Sanna and Nicholas Blomley (2015) 'Dancing with wolves: making legal territory in a more-than-human world' 62, 51-60 Geoforum.
(2015) 'The ties that blind: making fee simple in the British Columbia treaty process' Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 40 2 168-179
(2014) 'Disentangling law: The practice of bracketing' Annual Review of Law and Social Science 10 2 1-16
(2014) 'Making space for property' Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 104 6 1291-1306
(2014) 'Property, law, and space' Property Law Review, 3 229-235.
(2013) with Sikee Liu 'Making news and making space: Performing the geographies of poverty in Vancouver's Downtown Eastside' The Canadian Geographer, 57 2 119-132
(2013) 'Performing property, making the world' Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence, 27 1, 23-48
(2013) 'What kind of legal space is a city?' In Andrea Brighenti ed. . Ashgate
(2012) 'Begging to differ: panhandling, public space and municipal property' In Tucker, Eric et al
(2012) "Colored rabbits, dangerous trees, and public sitting: sidewalks, police and the city". Urban Geography, 33, 7
(2011) 'Cuts, flows, and the geographies of property' Law, Culture and the Humanities, 7, 2, 203-216
(2010) 'The right to pass freely: circulation, begging, and the bounded self' Social and Legal Studies, 19, 3, 331-350
(2010) 'Property, liberty and the category. Geoforum, 41, 353-355
(2009) 'Homelessness, rights and the delusions of property, Urban Geography, 30, 6, 577-590
(2008) 'Enclosure, common right, and the property of the poor' Social and Legal Studies, 17, 311-331
(2008) 'Simplification is complicated: Property, nature, and the rivers of law' Environment and Planning, A , 40, 1825-1840
(2008) 'The spaces of critical geography' Progress in Human Geography, 32, 2, 285-393
(2007) ' Civil rights meets civil engineering: Urban public space and traffic logic' Canadian Journal of Law and Society, 22, 2, 55-72
(2007) 'Kelo, contradiction, and capitalism' Urban Geography, 28, 2, 198-205
(2007) 'How to turn a beggar into a bus stop:Law, Traffic and the 'Function of the Place'', Urban Studies, 44:9,1697-1712
(2007) 'Critical geography: anger and hope' Progress in Human Geography, 31, 1, 53-65 (pdf)
(2007) âMaking private property: enclosure, common right and the work of hedgesâ, Rural History. 18, 1, 1-21
(2006) 'Uncritical critical geography?' Progress in Human Geography, 30, 1, 87-91
(2005) âThe borrowed view: privacy, propriety, and the entanglements of propertyâ, Law and Social Inquiry 30, 4, 617-661.
(2005) âFlowers in the bathtub: boundary crossings at the public-private divideâ, Geoforum.
(2004) âThe boundaries of property: lessons from Beatrix Potterâ. Canadian Geographer. 48(2), 91-100
(2004). âUn-real estate: proprietary space and public gardeningâ, Antipode 36, 4, 614-641
(2003) âLaw, property, and the spaces of violence: the frontier, the survey, and the gridâ Annals, Association of American Geographers 93, 1, 121-141
(2002) 'Mud for the land' Public Culture 14, 3, 557-582
(1996) "Shut the province down!" First Nations blockades in British Columbia, 1984-1995' BC Studies III Autumn.