
Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA)


The Undergraduate Student Research Awards (USRA) give students hands-on research experience while working on actual projects. These awards prepare students to pursue graduate studies and encourage interest in research careers. 

The awards are supported by the  (NSERC) and 間眅埶AV's  (VPR).

Visit 間眅埶AV GPS - Choose a USRA for the value and duration of Full-Time USRAs. 

Working on a USRA project can potentially be counted towards a co-op work term. Please contact the to learn more.

Eligibility for USRA's

間眅埶AV Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies USRA guidelines can be found here:

NSERC USRA guidelines can be found here:

Procedures for applying for Math USRA's...

Please be sure to review full eligibility criteria, guidelines, and application forms on the NSERC USRA and Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies: USRA websites listed above, BEFORE beginning the application process.

We encourage applications from women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities.

NOTE: While we do our best to match students up with their preferred projects/supervisors, we cannot guarantee a preferred match due to the competitive nature of the awards. Additionally, we cannot guarantee that every applicant will be matched with a project/supervisor or receive a USRA. 

NSERC Application - Step One

Due by: January 29 @ Noon

  • Interested and eligible students should contact the supervisor with regards to the project they would like to work on.
  • Students must create an , complete the application for an Undergraduate Student Research Award Form 202: Part I, and upload scanned copies of their official or unofficial transcripts. Advising transcripts are not acceptable.        
  • Students must email the following documents to the Math Chair's Assistant (mcs@sfu.ca):  
    • Cover letter with a ranked list of at least three choices of projects
    • A curriculum vitae (CV)
    • A PDF of Form 202: Part I
    • Copies of transcripts
    • Their NSERC Online Reference number
    • Two reference letters
      • NOTE: Your references should directly email their reference letters to the Math Chair's Assistant (mcs@sfu.ca) by the deadline above. We do not accept reference letters submitted by applicants. 

NSERC Application - Step Two

Due by: February 26 @ Noon

If you are nominated for an NSERC USRA:

  • Email your NSERC Online reference number to your selected supervisor and have them complete Form 202: Part II.
  • Your supervisor should send a PDF of the form for you to review and confirm that the information is correct.
  • Once you have confirmed the information is correct, your supervisor should send a PDF of the form to the Math Chair's Assistant (mcs@sfu.ca).
  • Lastly, your supervisor should submit the form online via the NSERC site and notify the Math Chair's Assistant afterwards.
  • NOTE: The 間眅埶AV Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) Office makes the final decision for awarding all USRAs. An award is not guaranteed until GPS sends out an award letter. 

VPR Application - Step One

Due by: January 29 @ Noon

  • Interested and eligible students should contact the supervisor with regards to the project they would like to work on.
    • If you are an international student: Prior to applying, please consult with an International Student Advisor (intl_advising@sfu.ca) to ensure you are eligible to apply for and hold a USRA.
  • Complete the student portion of the VPR USRA Application Form (located on 間眅埶AV GPS: Deadlines + Application Procedures website).
  • Email the following documents to the Math Chair's Assistant (mcs@sfu.ca):
    • A cover letter indicating a ranked list of at least three choices of projects
    • A curriculum vitae (CV)
    • A PDF of your VPR USRA Application Form
    • A copy of your unofficial transcript
    • Two letters of reference
      • NOTE: Your references should directly email their reference letters to the Math Chair's Assistant (mcs@sfu.ca) by the deadline above. We do not accept reference letters submitted by applicants. 

VPR Application - Step Two

Due by: February 26 @ Noon

If you are nominated for a VPR USRA:

  • Email your selected supervisor and ask them to complete Page 2 of your VPR USRA Application Form.
  • Your supervisor must email the completed form as a PDF to the Math Chairs Assistant (mcs@sfu.ca)
  • NOTE: The 間眅埶AV Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies (GPS) Office makes the final decision for awarding all USRAs. An award isnt guaranteed until GPS sends out an award letter. 

Current Research Projects

The Summer 2025 Math USRA Competition is now OPEN

Below are the available research projects in mathematics from faculty members who are taking on qualified undergraduate students. Unless otherwise specified, each project is available to one student only.

Dr. Alex Beams (alexander_beams@sfu.ca) and Dr. Caroline Colijn (ccolijn@sfu.ca)  

Project: Data analysis and mathematical modeling to understand Influenza B

Respiratory viruses like Influenza cause annual epidemics each winter in the Northern Hemisphere. Different species and strain subtypes can be more or less common in different years, however, so not all flu seasons are exactly the same. This makes design of the seasonal influenza vaccine a challenge, because designing an appropriate vaccine requires predicting the strain composition of the upcoming season. The predominant influenza subtypes are Influenza A H1, Influenza A H3, and Influenza B. Typically, seasons dominated by H1 have lower levels of H3, and vice versa, but considerable variability remains. Influenza B is antigenically distinct from the other two, and has generally not seemed useful for predicting the relative amounts of the Influenza A subtypes. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, influenza ciruclation has appeared to return to prepandemic levels - with one notable exception: the Yamagata lineage of Influenza B. It has not been detected since 2020, and is no longer included in trivalent vaccines.

Publicly available data clearly show the dynamics of the different influenza subtypes in different epidemic seasons, but have been mostly focused on improving our understanding of and ability to predict the variation in influenza A subtype incidence. This project is focused on examining these data to better understand Influenza B. It is unclear why one of the Influenza B lineages went extinct after the pandemic, and an improved understanding of its dynamics in the prepandemic era will help solve the puzzle. A central focus of the project will be data visualization to characterize years when Influenza B was successful in the past, and we will explore the scientific literature to develop hypotheses about patterns we observe in the data. We will develop mathematical models based on our hypotheses and simulate epidemics to see what mechanisms lead to the dynamics we observe in the data.

Requirements: Students should be motivated to study the biology of influenza viruses and apply their existing knowledge of mathematics and statistics to address open questions. Familiarity with R, Python, or a comparable programming language is necessary, and facility with differential equations and the fundamentals of statistics is preferred. The project has space for two students to work together at all phases.

Dr. Nils Bruin (nbruin@sfu.ca)

Project: Practical Numerical stability in p-adic linear algebra

In many computational algebraic problems, one ends up computing in "complete discrete valuation rings", such as power series rings and p-adic numbers. Elements in such rings are generally represented by approximations, just as with floating point numbers for real and complex numbers. That means that numerical algorithms must be designed with numerical stability considerations in mind.

In this project the student will study existing literature on this subject and compare some existing implementations: SageMath has some numerical stability considerations in its linear algebra implementations, but Magma has not. On the other hand, Magma has much better facilities to handle arbitrary finite extensions of p-adic fields. An objective would be to develop a library that provides linear algebra with decent performance and decent numerical stability over p-adic fields.

Requirements: Prerequisites include:

  • a good knowledge of linear algebra. Experience with numerical linear algebra is helpful but not required
  • a good algebraic background (at least MATH 340)
  • a willingness to learn and use computer algebra systems
  • programming experience (a language like Python is sufficient)

Dr. Caroline Colijn (ccolijn@sfu.ca) and (jmcnicho@sfu.ca)

Project: Does branching now predict branching next? Uncovering patterns in viral evolution 

Understanding the patterns of diversification and relatedness among organisms is a fundamental challenge in evolutionary biology. Of particular interest are viruses which often exhibit rapid evolution and impact public health efforts on a global scale. Coalescent theory describes the genealogical relationships (patterns of ancestry) among a set of taxa, under simple assumptions. It is used to infer the demographic history of a population: changes in population size or migration patterns, from the patterns of genetic variation observed in the present day. 

Exchangeability is the idea that any two lineages are equally likely to coalesce as we move backwards in time from the present into the past in a phylogenetic tree. This arises from assumptions like a lack of population structure or the absence of selection. We have developed a statistical test for exchangeability. The test provides a new way to probe the evolution of viruses and other organisms by asking whether a particular branch of the phylogenetic tree is equally likely to branch as any other at a given point in time. As far as we know, no one has systematically explored this aspect of viral evolution. 

In this project the student will use genetic data on the evolution of pathogens like influenza, COVID-19 and/or mpox and explore whether they are evolving in an exchangeable way. This project involves building phylogenetic trees and carrying out tests for exchangeability on the phylogenetic trees of these key pathogens, and exploring how our test behaves as the datasets grow larger.

This project will help us build methods to understand how different evolutionary patterns leave traces in data for us to find, to identify successful emerging viral strains, and to develop new mathematical representations that are suitable for modelling genetic data.  

Requirements: Strong programming skills are required, preferably with experience in R. An interest in statistics is essential. Completion of some upper division statistics and/or biomathematics courses is an asset. Background knowledge in biology/genetics is not required. 

Dr. Nadish de Silva (nadish_de_silva@sfu.ca)

Project: Simulating and correcting quantum computers via the stabiliser formalism

Small quantum computers are currently under construction.  How will we verify that they are working correctly?  We might try to simulate their operation on an existing conventional supercomputer.  This would be slow and difficult, however, as quantum computers, by design, perform tasks beyond the abilities of conventional computers.  Thus, clever schemes have been devised to classically simulate quantum computers as efficiently as possible within limited regimes.  Studying this question also gives us insight into the poorly understood mechanisms that drive quantum computational power.

In the longer term, how will we protect highly sensitive quantum data from errors while operating on them?  As quantum data cannot be copied or directly observed, more clever schemes have been devised to enable quantum computation in the face of environmental noise.

This project will centre on the mathematics used to answer both these questions: the stabiliser formalism.  The goal will be to better understand the stabiliser formalism and to utilise it towards facilitating quantum error correction and verifying near-term quantum computers.  

The precise question tackled in the project, and the balance between theory and numerical computations, will depend on the interests and skills of the student.

Requirements: Strong background in mathematics and computer science. Coding skills in Python could be an asset but are not strictly necessary.

Dr. Ailene MacPherson (ailenem@sfu.ca)

Project: Approximate Bayesian Computation Methods for Local Adaptation

Bayesian inference is a powerful method in population biology, allowing researchers to integrate complementary datasets to understand ecological, evolutionary, and epidemiological processes shaping the natural world (Beaumont et al. 2002). When the underlying biological processes become complex, for example disease transmission in a social network, analytical methods become cumbersome and computational approximations must be used instead.  In this project you will develop, implement, and test an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) inference method for inferring the evolutionary processes underlying local adaptation. Local adaptation, where populations adapt to local environmental conditions, has widespread evolutionary and ecological consequencesit is central to generating and maintaining the biological diversity we enjoy every day.  Understanding how local adaptation arises is also essential for developing robust conservation programs (Letterhos 2024).

This highly interdisciplinary USRA project will combine elements of mathematics, statistics, computer science, and biology to address a scientific question of practical relevance to conservation. The student will be introduced to the fundamentals of Bayesian inference, mathematical statistics, and the population biology background.  They will design and implement an ABC approach in python, compare this method against an existing analytical sub-case, test the performance of their method more generally, and summarize and disseminate their methods and results.  The student will be encouraged to develop and present their work at one of two possible local scientific meetings in Fall 2025.

Up to 2 students are invited to work on this project.

Requirements: Previous experience with python programming and Math 348, 360, 468 or 469.

Dr. David Muraki (muraki@sfu.ca)  

Project: Mathematics of the Weather

Students are invited to join a research effort that uses computational models to understand the fluid mechanics of the weather.  There are active projects that investigate a variety of atmospheric phenomena.

One current area of interest involves projects connected with the question, "What is the shape of a cloud"?  We have developed a new mathematical model for the motion of cloud edges --- one that has already confirmed the behaviour of "lenticular" clouds caused by airflow over mountains, and somewhat rare phenomenon known as a "holepunch" cloud (search for images!).  Many of the beautiful observed cloudscapes display a distinctive pattern that are generally believed to be formed by atmospheric instability.

Other areas of research involve the study of larger-scale weather flows, and the evolution of midlatitude storms.  Most of the projects involve the use of a research-quality numerical forecast model.

Requirements: Students should be independently motivated undergraduates in the third or fourth year of their degree.  Some background in a differential equations is essential, as is proficiency in a computational environment such as Matlab/Python. Participants should have a natural curiosity for the workings of the Earth's atmosphere.

Dr. Nilima Nigam (nna29@sfu.ca)

Project: Eigenvalues and resonances

Important physical systems are described by systems of partial differential equations (PDE). The eigenvalues, eigenfunctions and resonances of these systems have beautiful mathematical properties, and deep physical relevance.

This summer, we'll be looking at the eigenvalues and resonances for Maxwell's equations. We'll study questions of spectral optimization: what shapes optimize the kth eigenvalue? The approach will be a blend of analytical and computational. Students should be prepared to read background material, work together on proving conjectures, and also design/run computational experiments using existing software libraries.

Requirements: At least one PDE class (Math 314/418), at least 1 computing class (MACM 316/416). Familiarity with linear analysis would be great, but is not required

Dr. Jessica Stockdale (jessica_stockdale@sfu.ca)

Project: Mathematical modelling of the 1918 Flu pandemic in British Columbia

Modelling of historical disease data can help us understand how outbreaks progressed in the past, but also generate useful insights for combating infectious disease in the present. The 1918 influenza pandemic shared many parallels with the COVID-19 pandemic, despite being 100 years apart.

In this project, we will analyse newly-digitized data from the 1918 pandemic here in British Columbia. By fitting mathematical models to the data, we will explore how the outbreak spread, what bought it under control, and try to uncover whether flu surveillance was effective in detecting cases. The student will develop compartmental models (e.g., SIR) of transmission, explore computational methods for fitting these to data, and ultimately dive into the history of the flu pandemic in BC to interpret their findings in context.

This project would be ideal for a student with interests in applying mathematical and/or statistical methods in public health.

Requirements: Requires some programming skills (suggested R or Python) and experience with either mathematical modelling (systems of ODEs) or stochastic models/statistical inference. Completion of any of MATH 348, 360, 468 or 469 would be a bonus.

Dr. Jessica Stockdale (jessica_stockdale@sfu.ca) and Dr. Alexander Rutherford (alexander_rutherford@sfu.ca)

Project: Modelling Homelessness and Supported Housing Programs in Vancouver

The number of people experiencing homelessness in Vancouver has increased significantly in recent years. Approximately 5,000 people in Greater Vancouver were identified as experiencing homelessness in 2023 (2023 Homeless Count in Greater Vancouver, Final Data Report October 2023), which is a 32% increase from 2020.  Economic pressures, substance use, and mental health issues are the main contributing factors to homelessness. Indigenous peoples are also overrepresented in the Vancouver homeless population, with 33% of people who are homeless identifying as Indigenous. Vancouver Coastal Health operates a variety of supported housing programs and treatment programs for people experiencing homelessness. This project will be a collaboration with Vancouver Coastal Health to develop simulation models of their supported housing programs that improve delivery of care and help to address the public health crisis of homelessness. The student will gain experience in analyzing data, building and testing models, and communicating results to external partners.

Requirements: This project is well-suited to a student interested in applications of mathematical modelling to healthcare and social services. Good communication and writing skills are an asset. A course in probability models, simulation modelling, or operations research would be beneficial (e.g. MATH 208W, MATH 348, Math 402W or similar). Programming experience in at least one of R, Python, or Java is required.

Dr. Paul Tupper (pft3@sfu.ca)

Project: Improving Clustering Algorithms with Diversities

Clustering is the task of assigning a large number of unlabeled data points to a small number of classes. Typically, the data are points in a vector space and a metric is defined on the vector space, leading to a distance matrix for the data. When clustering, the metric is used to break up the data into a number of groups. But using just the metric may throw out a lot of information about the placement of the points in the space.

Diversities are an extension of the idea of a metric space, where not just pairs of points but all finite subsets of points are assigned a value. The diameter of a set of points in a metric space is a diversity, but there are many other natural examples. In this project the student will investigate using the perspective of diversities to devise new clustering algorithms, investigating what works well computationally on large data sets.

Up to 2 students are invited to work on this project.

Requirements: Basic programming skills. Strong background in mathematics.

Dr. Bojan Mohar (mohar@sfu.ca)  

Project: Reducibility of configurations for 4-coloring and nowhere-zero 4-flows of graphs

All known proofs of the Four Color Theorem use the notion of reducible configurations. These are graphs for which one can prove that they cannot appear as subgraphs in any hypothetical minimum counterexample. The proofs for reducibility in the case of planar graphs involve Kempe changes combined with local modifications and usually need computer justification. However, in some cases, we have nice computer-free proofs confirming that certain configurations are reducible; such cases will be the main subject in the USRA project. In addition to that, the student will work with the supervisor to establish basic theoretical results about reducibility, not only in the case of planar graphs, but also for graphs embedded in the projective plane, the torus, and the Klein bottle.

Requirements: Course in graph theory, grade A or A+.

For questions, please contact: 

Rachel Tong, Secretary to the Chair