
Mathematics and Data Research Group

Our Research

The modern world is awash with data.  Our ability to store, process, interpret and analyze data arising in real-world applications relies on foundational mathematics and mathematical tools.  The interaction between mathematics and data is a fruitful and active area of research. Not only does the analysis of data lead to new mathematical questions and problems, novel mathematical techniques - arising often from seemingly unconnected areas - lead to new and powerful tools in data science.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV has an active research group in contemporary applied mathematics and data science, encompassing a wide range of expertise and specialities.  Our mathematics research includes: foundations of data science, discrete mathematics, optimization, mathematical modelling, compressed sensing and sparse recovery, neural networks and deep learning. We work on applications in computational biology, epidemiology, evolution and genomics, imaging, cognitive science, and develop data science methods for computational science and engineering.

Our group has collaborations with the Departments of Statistics, Biology, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Linguistics, Psychology, the School of Computing Science, and with ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV’s Faculty of Health Sciences. We also collaborate with other researchers throughout the lower mainland, Canada and internationally.

The Department of Mathematics offers a selection of graduate and undergraduate courses in this area.  See below for a list.



Mathematical Data Science, Numerical Analysis, Approximation Theory, Computational Harmonic Analysis

Cedric Chauve

Computational Genomics and Paleogenomics

Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematics for Evolution, Infection and Public Health

Infectious disease modelling, statistics

Operations Research

Infectious Disease Modelling and Estimation, Cognitive Science, Metric Spaces, Phylogenetics

Postdoctoral Fellows & Visitors

  • Elisha Are
  • Amy Langdon

PhD Graduate Students

  • Niloufar Abhari
  • Juan Cardenas
  • Omid Gheysar Gharamaleki
  • Fatih Karaoglanoglu
  • Aniket Mane
  • Sebastian Moraga
  • Nicola Mulberry
  • Baraa Orabi
  • Yexuan Song
  • Kurnia Susvitasari
  • Alice Yue

MSc Graduate Students

  • Piyush Agarwal
  • Saimon Islam

Recent Research


B. Adcock, S. Brugiapaglia and C. G. Webster

SIAM, 2022

B. Adcock and S. Brugiapaglia

arXiv 2208.09045, 2022

B. Adcock, J. M. Cardenas and N. Dexter

arXiv:2208.12190, 2022

B. Adcock and M. Neyra-Nesterenko

arXiv:2203.00804, 2022

B. Adcock, J. M. Cardenas and N. Dexter

arXiv 2202.00144, 2022

J. Barnes, M. R. Blair, R. C. Walshe and P. F. Tupper

PLOS One 17(3):e0259511, 2022

S. Brugiapaglia, M. Liu and P. Tupper

Neural Computation 34(8):1756-1789, 2022

C. Colijn, D. J. D. Earn, J. Dushoff, N. H. Ogden, M. Li, N. Knox, G. Van Domselaar, K. Franklin, Kristyn, G. Jolly and S. P. Otto
Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2
Preprint, 2022

G. Ebrahimi, B. Orabi, M. Robinson, C. Chauve, R. Flannigan and F. Hach

iScience 25(7):104530, 2022

M. Hayati, L. Chindelevitch, D. Aanensen and C. Colijn

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 377(1861):20210231, 2022

F. Karaoglanoglu, C. Chauve and F. Hach

BMC Genomics 23(1):129, 2022

P. Liu, P. Biller, M. Gould and C. Colijn

Systematic Biology (in press), 2022

J. Sielemann, K. Sielemann, B. Brejová, T. Vinař and C. Chauve

bioRxiv 2022.05.24.493339, 2022.

B. Sobkowiak, K. Kamelian, J. Zlosnik, J. Tyson, A. G. da Silva, L. Hoang, N. Prystajecky and C. Colijn

medRxiv 2022.03.10.22272213, 2022

A. Yue, C. Chauve, M. Libbrecht and R. R. Brinkman

Cytometry A 101(2):177-184, 2022

P. Tupper, K. W. Leung, Y. Wang, A. Jongman and J. A. Sereno

The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 150(6):4464-4473, 2021


C. Colijn

Artificial Intelligence for Pandemics (AI4PAN) seminar, The University of Queensland, June 2022 

B. Adcock

Alan Turing Institute workshop on Interpretability, Safety, and Security in AI, December 2021

C. Colijn

Biostatistics-Biomedical Informatics Big Data (B3D) Seminar series, Harvard University, May 2021

B. Adcock

The AAAI 2021 Spring Symposium on Combining Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning with Physics Sciences, April 2021

B. Adcock

One World Mathematics of INformation, Data, and Signals (OW-MINDS) Seminar, June 2020

C. Colijn

Phyloseminar.org seminar, January 2020

P. Tupper

Distributed Data for Dynamics and Manifolds, BIRS Oaxaca, September, 2017

T. Stephen

Fields Institute Industrial Optimization Seminar, December 2016

Recent Theses

Y. Song
Account for sampling bias in ancestral state reconstruction
MSc thesis, 2022

E. Haghshenas

PhD thesis, 2020

M. King-Roskamp

MSc thesis, 2020

Recent Courses

Fall 2022:

APMA 920 – Numerical Linear Algebra
MATH 895 - Infectious Disease Modelling in Populations and Within Hosts

Spring 2022:

MATH 775 - Mathematical Topics in Data Science

Fall 2021:

APMA 923 - Numerical Methods in Continuous Optimization
MATH 709 - Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization

Summer 2021:

APMA 940 - Mathematics of Data Science

Fall 2020:

APMA 920 – Numerical Linear Algebra

Fall 2019:

APMA 923 - Numerical Methods in Continuous Optimization
MATH 709 - Numerical Linear Algebra and Optimization

Recent visitors

  • Melanie Chitwood (Yale) - Fall 2022
  • Tomas  Vinar (Comenius University) - Spring/Summer 2022
  • Brona Brejova (Comenius University) - Spring/Summer 2022

Affiliated Groups

Affiliated Organizations

If you would like to receive email updates from our group, please contact Ben Adcock


If you are a current ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Mathematics Postdoctoral Fellow or Graduate Student in the Mathematics and Data Research Group,
and would like your name added to one of the above lists, please send an email to Casey Bell.