
Prime Sections

What are PRIME  Sections? 

Prime sections are special course offerings available to students who achieved high grades (A or better) in the listed prerequisites. Prime sections are intended to create a sense of community within the department, and encourage collaboration amongst students with an aptitude for mathematics. 

  • Prime sections are not more difficult than standard course offerings.
  • Midterm and final exams for prime and standard sections are exactly the same.
  • Prime sections are not more work than standard sections. While homework assignements may deviate from those assigned in standard sections, the amount of time required from students is the same. 
  • Prime sections have smaller class capacities than standard sections. 

The Department of Mathematics' own Dr. Jamie Mulholland, Brenda Davison, and Dr. David Muraki chat about Prime sections in this . If you are directed to supply credentials to view, use your ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV computing ID (your ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV email address without the @sfu.ca) and password.

Application for MATH 251 PRIME Lectures - Fall 2024

Thank you for your interest in MATH 251 D200 Prime Lectures taught by  Justin Gray in Fall 2024!

There are limited seats available in MATH 251 Prime. Enrollment priority will proceed as follows:

  • students who have completed MATH 152 (or equivalent) with a grade of A or better, and
  • in order of enrollment date/time, and
  • in order of request (via date/time stamp on the form submission).

Students who have completed MATH 152 (or equivalent) with a grade of A or better should:

  1. enroll in MATH 251 D100 (regular lectures) on their enrollment date
  2. complete this form 
  3. send their advising transcript to mathusec@sfu.ca for review following submission of the form. In the subject line of your email, type your name: Prime Application (eg. Peter Pan: Prime Application).

In mid-August, all submissions will be reviewed and those meeting the criteria will be sorted by enrollment date/time and submission date/time. If you are offered a seat in the Prime section, you will be notified by email. Please note that enrollment is limited to 32 students.

If you do not meet the criteria of an A or better in MATH 152 (or equivalent) you may complete the form and submit your transcript, along with the MATH 251 Prime Application for Enrollment questionnaire responses, to Olivia Gutenberg, Undergraduate Advisor at math_advice@sfu.ca by August 13, 2024.