
Jamie Mulholland

Senior Lecturer & PIMS Education Coordinator
Department of Mathematics
Faculty of Science

Areas of interest

I'm interested in mathematics education and promoting mathematics to students at all age levels: elementary school through college/university.

Mathematics is a very beautiful subject, and highlights some of the greatest achievements in human thought, unfortunately not everyone hangs on long enough to reach the stage where they get to encounter this beauty. Some of the nicest mathematics will not be seen until a student reaches their first, second or even third year university level mathematics course. This is not to say that a high level of sophistication is required to understand or appreciate the ideas, in fact, sometimes quite the opposite is true. Some of the ideas can be presented to students as early as elementary school. Boosting a community appreciation towards mathematics is something that interests me a great deal.

My background is in pure mathematics; in particular abstract algebra, algebraic topology, combinatorial group theory, and number theory.

I'm always happy to meet with students who wish to talk about mathematics at any level, so please feel free to contact me.


  • Ph.D. Mathematics · University of British Columbia · 2006


Future courses may be subject to change.