
Steve Ruuth - 2020 CAIMS Research Prize

April 27, 2020

We are delighted to announce that Steve Ruuth of our department has been awarded the 2020 CAIMS Research Prize. CAIMS is the Canadian Applied and Industrial Mathematics Society. Steve has been recognized internationally over many years for his contributions, and this is a  recognition of his position at the top of the Canadian research establishment in his field. He joins a very distinguished list of winners, the very best researchers in applied mathematics in this country.

The award is given "in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of robust numerical methods for time dependent partial differential quations and interfacial dynamics, and the impact of his work in scientific computing.

For many flavours of scientific modelling Steves research has deep and important impact. We salute him for this achievement. He is also a great teacher and supervisor and we are very fortunate to have him at 間眅埶AV.