
Casey Bell Wins 2019 Staff Achievement Award for Community Contribution

January 08, 2020

Casey Bell, Financial Assistant in the Department of Mathematics, has been awarded the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV 2019 Staff Achievement Award for Community Contribution.

¶¡ÏãÔ°AV presents the Staff Achievement Awards annually to recognize ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV staff who have demonstrated outstanding achievement within the University or their community. In particular, the Staff Achievement Award for Community Contribution recognizes those members of the ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Administrative and Professional (APSA and Excluded), Clerical and Technical (CUPE local 3338), and Trades (Poly Party) community who are giving time and energy to foster goodwill and compassion for others.

In his nomination letter, Dr. Veselin Jungic writes:

For almost twenty years, Ms. Bell and I have been colleagues. Always very professional, efficient, and helpful, but also calm, collegial, and friendly, Ms. Bell is one of those colleagues who greets each member of our Department, whether staff, faculty, or students, with a smile. With a jar of candies for visitors in her office window and photographs of her family on the shelf behind her chair, in a welcoming manner Ms. Bell reminds us all that kindness also has its place in the often-hectic life of an academic department.


In my experience, Ms. Bell has been an exemplary ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community member and citizen beyond her job duties. She has provided essential administrative support with almost all outreach activities and research initiatives offered by the Department of Mathematics. As the support letters demonstrate, Ms. Bell’s capacity to, in her modest, pleasant, and polite way, foster goodwill and compassion for others makes her a dream collaborator and an asset for the Department of Mathematics and the whole ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV community.

Here are a few quotes from the nomination supporting letters.

Dr. Malgorzata Dubiel:

I have admired Casey’s efficiency in managing all these [outreach] events over many years. Often, especially during the Summer, several workshops, summer schools and camps are happening at the same time, and Casey manages to organize everything with efficiency, thoughtfulness and a smile.

Ms. Sheryl Thompson:

She demonstrated through action and personal practice the value placed on strong, inclusive community activities. She volunteered her own time, to ensure that the [¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Academic Summer Camp for Indigenous High School Students’] closing ceremony was a success. She ensured visiting Indigenous leadership, families, and guests felt received and respected. She did this because it is who she is, and, she learned the importance these gestures play in building and strengthening relationships within Indigenous communities. She always, always, had a kind word and a smile at the ready – no matter what.

Dr. Marni Mishna:

Casey is personable, relatable, imaginative. She holds us to high standards, and she elevates the administrative work done in our department. Our department is greatly improved because of her. A formal recognition is long overdue.

Congratulations and Thank You from all us of from the Department of Mathematics, Casey!

Check out the Faculty of Science's story on Casey's 2019 Staff Achievement Award here

Casey Bell (second from the left) with the participants of the 2018 ¶¡ÏãÔ°AV Academic Camp for Indigenous High School Students during the visit to TRIUMF Canada's Particle Accelerator Centre on July 19, 2018.